World Naked Bike Ride announces July 8 as the big day for Vancouver's two-wheeled nudists

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      Almost guaranteeing that Wreck Beach will be a ghost town the second Saturday in July, the Vancouver-spawned World Naked Bike Ride has announced its big day for 2023.

      Sporting their finest birthday suits, participants will congregate at Sunset Beach at noon on July 8 and then, after doing their best to avoid breaking eye contact for two hours, ride through the West End starting at 2 p.m.

      After the ride, the group Naked Iconoclasts Fighting The Yoke (NIFTY) will host a picnic, with everyone—including, presumably, “clothesists”—welcome.

      Big oil, however, not so much, as folks behind World Naked Bike Ride bills the event as a way to fight “car culture, oil spills, and pipelines.”. And, perhaps—and with thanks to the Vandals’s “Anarchy Burger”—those who call 911 every time someone walks into a deli naked.

      World Naked Bike Ride was started in Vancouver in 2002 by Conrad Schmidt in the dead of winter, which is to say that George Constanza, and possibly Julio Gomez, would have actually had a legitimate excuse had they participated.

      For more info, watch the World Naked Bike Ride Instagram account here.


