TryHackMe — Brooklyn Nine Nine Walkthrough-Beginner

3 min readJul 26, 2020

Hey everyone, I am Deep. I am security researcher and love to play ctfs. I have been using TryHackMe for quite a some time. It has very great CTF rooms and so many rooms for learning. All the rooms has great writeups and walkthroughs,too. So, Today I thought why not write a walkthrough which can help others learn. So, today’s walkthrough is for “Brooklyn Nine Nine”, let’s get into it.

First scan machine with nmap using this command:

nmap -sC -sV -v <machine-ip>
nmap scan result

Here, We can see that there are 3 open ports:




Here, we get interesting results for ftp, it shows that we can login to ftp as anonymous.Also we can see that it has a text file named “note_to_jake.txt”.

So, let’s login to ftp using “anonymous” and password as blank. Here, we can find the text file. We can Download this text file using “get” command.

Once we have downloaded note_to_jake.txt. let’s see what’s this:

contents of note_to_jake.txt

Okay. We can guess that jake is a user of this machine and he is using weak password. :)

So, From our nmap results we know that ssh(port 22) is open. Let’s try to bruteforce ssh using Hydra. Here, We will try to bruteforce user “jake” using this command:

hydra -l jake -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt <machine-ip> ssh -t 4

Great! We found jake’s password.

Now, Let’s use this password and login into ssh using :

ssh jake@<machine-ip>

And we are in!!

Looking at jake’s directory there was nothing much.

After looking at /home directory we can see that there are total three users.

After looking at holt’s home directory found user.txt. Which contains user flag :)

Now, let’s try to escalate our privileges. Let’s see if we have authority to run any commands of root using:

sudo -l

We can see that we can run less command as root. Nice! We can leverage this to get a root shell using this command:

sudo less /etc/profile

Awesome! We are root. Now let’s get the root flag.

Thank you everyone.

Thank you fsociety2006 for creating beginner friendly room.

