kopi joss (Joss coffee)

This is a special unrestrained brewed coffee which, in the process of brewing, a piece of burning charcoal is immersed into the coffee to give baking taste to the coffee. The name is taken from ‘joss’ sound of the emerging charcoal. This special coffee is commonly found in roadside stalls of Yogyakarta, Java’s cultural heartland.

If you visit the city of Yogyakarta, time to stop by and try Kopi Joss. In the North Station or Station Tugu Yogyakarta, many found angkringan which provide the main menu Kopi Joss. Angkringan itself is a wheel barrow that sell a variety of foods and beverages that are usually found on the side of the road. The word itself refers angkringan of the Java language of words that have meaning perched sit back.

The coffee beans are then formulated his own by roasting, after roasting until finely ground and then inserted into a designated place. The traditional way is believed to retain the flavor and aroma of coffee beans since the beginning of the process of picking. The water used to brew coffee cook Joss must use the kettle or similar large pot made of tin over a charcoal stove.

Once the coffee powder is mixed with a few small spoon of sugar, can also add a little milk. Hot water who had been already boiling in a charcoal furnace is slowly poured into a glass. Splash of boiling hot water emits smoke and aroma of coffee are very strong when it hits the coffee and sugar in a glass. Moreover, after the seller stirred cup of coffee on the table angkringan. Fragrant aroma of coffee the more savory.