100% delicious NUTRITIOUS Plant Chicken. Daring is Plant Chicken with a simple ingredient list, and perfect flavor and texture.
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May 15, 2022 · I tried Daring Foods' plant-based chicken and here's what I thought. There are two flavors I love, while there are two flavors I can continue without.
Plant-based chicken made from a short list of high quality ingredients Find us in the freezer aisle Get FREE Daring. bit.ly/DaringFoods.
Dec 5, 2022 · They're breaded with non-wheat crumbs. I'm looking at the package right now, “breaded plant chicken pieces”, and the breading consists of corn ...
$5.18 Free 90-day returns In stock
Our Original Plant Chicken Pieces are savory, juicy, and remarkably chicken-y. They cook from frozen in just 6 to 7 minutes.
(1,200) · $6.29 · 30-day returns
Daring Original Plant Chicken Pieces are savory, juicy, and remarkably chicken-y. Made with only 6 simple ingredients, they cook in just 4 to 5 minutes (thawed) ...
Nov 15, 2022 · One of the best fake meat products I've tried. Great texture and flavor. No weird soy flavor or aftertaste and the Cajun seasoning is actually spicy.