Hemorrhoids (or haemorrhoids), also known as piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. In their normal state, they are cushions that help with stool ...
Hemorrhoid or haemorrhoid (also commonly called piles) are vascular structures (similar to veins) in the anal canal which help with stool evacuation.
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बवासीर, · पाइल्स या (Hemorrhoid) · मूलव्याधि एक भयानक रोग है। बवासीर 2 प्रकार की होती है। आम भाषा में इसको खूनी और बादी बवासीर के नाम से जाना जाता है। कहीं पर इसे महेशी के नाम से जाना जाता है।
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Noun. edit. bawasir. hemorrhoid. Synonyms: ambeien, hemoroid. Alternative forms. edit · buasir (Standard Malay); wasir · wazir. Further reading. edit. “bawasir” ...
Bawasir. Usage on Wp/bew/Nongtot bo'ol. Usage on Wasir. Usage on ჰემოროი. Usage on kbd ...
Borrowed from Classical Persian بواسیر (bawāsīr), from Arabic بَوَاسِير (bawāsīr), plural of بَاسُور (bāsūr).
Summary ; DescriptionM 44 anus 22.jpg. English: Anus of a male showing a "flare up" of hemorrhoids, which caused itching and discomfort for several days.
If you want to use this picture (even commercially), you can use it free of charge — if you comply with the license under which this image is released. This is ...
Bawasir. Usage on Emorroidi. Usage on Wasir. Usage on Хемороид. Usage on Hemoroid. Usage ...
Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. They are swollen veins in the lower anus and rectum and can cause lumps in and around the anus.