Bunga (voiced by Joshua Rush) is a honey badger who is the bravest member of the Lion Guard. He is Timon and Pumbaa's adoptive nephew and Kion's best friend. He often exclaims "Un-Bunga-lievable!" His battle cry is "Zuka Zama!" In season three he meets a honey badger named Binga, and they fall in love.
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Bunga is a fearless and a brave young honey badger with a strong sense of adventure. He often doesn't consider his own personal safety, like in The Lion Guard: ...
Bunga is a fearless honey badger and Kion's best friend in the Disney Juniorshow The Lion Guard. He is the adoptive nephew of Timon and Pumbaa.
Aug 7, 2017 · Meaning, Fool ; Species, Honey Badger ; Close Relations, Timon and Pumbaa (Adoptive Uncles) Simba (adoptive brother) Nala (adoptive sister-in-law)
Video for What animal is Bunga from Lion Guard
Feb 20, 2017 · ... Lion Guard. She loves running and uses her super speedy skills to help her animal friends ...
Duration: 3:39
Posted: Feb 20, 2017
Video for What animal is Bunga from Lion Guard
Aug 22, 2017 · ... Lion Guard. She loves running and uses her super speedy skills to help her animal friends ...
Duration: 2:50
Posted: Aug 22, 2017
Bring home the lovable and brave Bunga from Disney's Lion Guard with this 7-inch plush toy. Bunga, the honey badger, is a great addition to any Lion King ...
Jan 2, 2022 · Due to a misunderstanding with Rafiki about the wisdom of honey badgers following Bunga averting a flood, the animals of the Pride Lands ...
Aug 3, 2024 · -Kion and the butterfly at the start. He's such a cute, sweet boy for saving it. This is what the Lion Guard's for, not just for beating up ...