lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora sulphurea , Hffm . Common on the coast and occasionally inland . Easily known by its peculiar dull yellow ... poliophaea , Whln . Grandes Rocques Head , scarce . Icart cliffs . ( Lecanora torquata , Fr. occurs in Alderney . According ...
lecanora poliophaea from
Lecanora ACH . Lecanora albella ( PERS . ) ACH . TH . FR . Scand . Icel . - Over bark . - -- - p . 243. Greenl ... poliophaea ( WNBG . ) SCHAER . — TH . FR . Scand . p . 248. — Icel . On stone . E. P. S. N. King Oscar Land , Goosefjord ( 40 ) ...
lecanora poliophaea from
Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. Icel . Lecanora ACH . Lecanora albella ( PERS . ) ACH . - Over bark . - Lecanora ... poliophaea ( WNBG . ) SCHAER . TH . FR . Scand . p . 248. — Icel . On stone . E. P. S. N. King Oscar Land , Goosefjord ( 40 ) ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora atriseda ( FR . ) NYL . - TH . FR . Scand . p . 267. Icel . On rocks . Lecanora atrosulphurea ( WNBG ... poliophaea ( WNBG . ) SCHAER . TH . FR . Scand . p . 248. - Icel . On stone . - E. P. S. N. King Oscar Land , Goosefjord ( 40 ) ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora poliophaea ( WHLBG . ) SCHAER . Hier und da , am lieb- steu an der Küste : Bei Veblungsnes in Romsdal ; Stat in Nord- fjord ; Lysebunden und Sogndalsstrand im Stavanger - Amt . Frucht- tragend . Lecanora albescens ( HOFFM ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora poliophaea ( Winbg . ) Schaer . ( Лихенологическія замѣтки , VI . 20. ) [ Note sur la distribution géo- graphique du Lecanora poliophaea ( Winbg . ) Schaer . ( Notes lichénolo- giques , VI . 20. ) ] St. Peterburg , Bull . Jard ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora poliophaea ( Winbg . ) Schaer . ( Лихенологическія замѣтки , VI . 20. ) [ Note sur la distribution géo- graphique du Lecanora poliophaea ( Winbg . ) Schaer . ( Notes lichénolo- giques , VI . 20. ) ] St. Peterburg , Bull . Peter ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora persimilis ( ap . ) + Caloplaca chlo- rina ( th . ) ludwigii L ... poliophaea stenholmii Aspicilia stenholmii stygioplaca A. subradicans ... Lecanora campestris subfusca v . hypnorum L. epibryon subfusca v . sorediifera ...
lecanora poliophaea from
Anniversary Volume Arne Thell, M. R. D. Seaward, Tassilo Feuerer. Lecanora poliophaea ( WAHLENB . ) ACH . Syn .: Lecanora spodophaea ( WAHLENB . ex ACH . ) ACH . , Lichen poliophaeus ( WAHLENB . ) WAHLENB . , Lichen spodophaeus WAHLENB ...
lecanora poliophaea from
... Lecanora sp . mentioned below , occurring on various substrates , directly ... poliophaea ( Wahlenb . ) Ach . Common on maritime rocks around Iceland ... Lecanora salina H.Magn . Very small and inconspicuous with apothecia in ...