... Arenaria macradenia var . parishiorum ; those features intergrade completely with var . macradenia . See M. F. Baad ( 1969 ) for his reasons for accepting var . parishiorum as a species . B. Maguire ( 1947 ) included " Lower ...
... Arenaria and to Minuartia ( Alsine ) have highly developed disks , while the disk of Moehringia is well developed . The American Arenaria macradenia Wats . , for example , is the best kind of Arenaria in its cespitose habit , acicular ...
... Arenaria macradenia Caryophyllaceae Kawaiisu Dermatological aid . Sandwort , Mojave Root used as a salve for pimples . Kawaiisu Respiratory aid . Sandwort , Mojave Dried root smoke inhaled for headaches and to clear the sinuses . Arenaria ...
... macradenia [ 1 cm 2 cm 2 mm flower Arenaria kingii var . glabrescens Arenaria macradenia ssp . ferrisiae flower M. stricta 1 cm sepal 2 cm -leaf 2 mm fruit 2 cm Cerastium beeringianum var . capillare Loeflingia squarrosa var ...
... ARENARIA MACRADENIA Watson . Glabrous or nearly so : rootstalk more or less ligneous , extensively and irregularly branched : sterns stout for the genus , 6-15 in . high , knotted with the enlarged nodes : leaves chiefly cau- line ...
... Arenaria macradenia var . kuschei ( Forest Camp sandwort ) Arenaria macradenia var . kuschei is a For- est Service Sensitive Species . It was originally known from one historic collection at " Forest Camp , Mohave Desert , ” a locality ...