It grows to about 3 feet high with a wider spread and produces acorns like the big trees. Wildlife utilizes this shrub for food and shelter. Dwarf ...
Quercus minima (Dwarf live oak) | Native Plants of North America › plants › result
Oct 10, 2022 · Plant Characteristics ... Size Notes: Up to about 6 feet tall, often shorter. Leaf: Leaves glossy light to dark green above, light green with ...
Quercus minima, the dwarf live oak or minimal oak, is a North American species of shrubs in the beech family. It is native to the southeastern United States ...
Quercus minima
Quercus minima, the dwarf live oak or minimal oak, is a North American species of shrubs in the beech family. It is native to the southeastern United States. It is placed in the southern live oaks section of the genus Quercus. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Quercus minima
Rank: Species
Higher classification: Oak
Family: Fagaceae
Genus: Quercus
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Dimensions: Typically 6-18 inches in height; to about 3 feet in South Florida. Spreading and forming patches broader than tall. Growth Rate: Slow. Range: ...
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Quercus minima, Dwarf Live Oak, is a shrub in the beech family native to the southeastern United States. Forms thickets growing 3-6 feet tall.
The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information.
Quercus minima is one of the most distinctive oaks of southeastern United States in morphology, habit, and habitat. It is one of our most strongly rhizomatous ...
This is one of the lowest-growing oak species in our flora, flowering and fruiting in often dense, geoxylic stands in dry-mesic, fire-prone habitats.
Quercus minima - Coastal Plain Plants Wiki › wiki › index.php › Quercus_minima
Jul 15, 2022 · Quercus minima is frequent and abundant in the Xeric Flatwoods community type and is an indicator species for the North Florida Mesic Flatwoods ...
Sep 11, 2024 · Quercus minima is great, although not great big. About knee takk tall, the mini “tree” isn't as puny as it appears at a glance. It is hidden ...