A very rare lichen, which is threatened and old growth dependant across Europe. Only ever recorded from The New Forest in England. It potentially occurred in ...
Notes: Lopezaria differs from Megalaria in having an ocular chamber in the tholus, from Catinaria in lacking a perispore; and from Megalospora in having ...
Global occurrence: Eurasia – Asia Extratropical | Oceania – Australasia | Eurasia – Europe | Americas – North America (incl Mexico).
Megalaria laureri is a species of fungi with 5 observations.
A mild-temperate lichen found on bark of Quercus and Fagus, more rarely of Abies, in humid forests, certainly declining.
Megalaria laureri (Hepp ex Th.Fr.) Hafellner. Published in: (1993). Lichens of Italy.
The WTU Image Collection provides a comprehensive online collection of photographs and information for the vascular plants, fungi, and lichenized fungi of ...
Megalaria laureri (Hepp ex Th. Fr.) Hafellner, The Lichens of Italy. An annotated catalogue: 429 (1993) [MB#360315]
3 days ago · Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Megalaria laureri - -- Discover Life
Megalaria laureri (Hepp ex Th. Fr.) Hafellner. = Catillaria laureri Hepp ex Th. Fr. = Catinaria laureri (Hepp ex Th. Fr.) Degel. = Lecidella laureri (Hepp ex Th ...