Aureolaria pedicularia is native to parts of the eastern US, the Midwest, and adjacent Canada. This plant is known for its distinct leaf shape and overall plant ...
The scientific name Aureolaria means golden, referring to the color of the flowers. The specific epithet pedicularia, meaning lice, refers to the plant's ( ...
Fern-leaf False Foxglove is semi-parasitic and requires oak trees for its survival. It reaches the northwest fringe of its range in Minnesota, where it is ...
Aureolaria pedicularia
Aureolaria pedicularia, the fernleaf yellow false foxglove, fern-leaved false foxglove, or fernleaf false foxglove, is a parasitic plant of the family Orobanchaceae. Aureolaria pedicularia is native to parts of the eastern US, the Midwest, and... Wikipedia
Higher classification: Downy yellow false foxglove
People also ask
What is the use of false foxglove?
What are yellow wildflowers with fern like leaves?
What is smooth yellow false foxglove?
Fern-leaved false foxglove is a partial plant parasite, using the roots of oaks (Quercus) as its preferred host. It establishes a connection to the roots of an ...
Fern-Leaf False Foxglove is a native annual to biennial wildflower of central and eastern USA and can be found in all parts of NC. It is partially parasitic ...
This bushy annual grows 0.3-1.3 m high. The stem is hairy and the funnel-shaped yellow flowers are 2-3 cm wide. It has unusual 'fern-like' leaves.
Aureolaria pedicularia is a root parasite and depends almost entirely on the roots of oak trees for survival. In Minnesota, it shows a strong preference for Q.
Showy yellow flowers and lacey, fern-like ornamental leaves make this late summer blooming annual a desirable landscape plant. See Details Below.
This wildflower is an annual or biennial that initially forms a rosette of basal leaves, followed by a much-branched flowering plant that is about 1-4' tall.
Much branched annual to 1 m, puberulent to glandular-hairy; principal lvs 3-6 cm, sessile or subsessile, pinnatifid, with 5-8 pairs of irregularly serrate ...