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"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia Rgl . , ein empfehlenswerther Blüthen- strauch . ( Hamburg . Gart . Blumenzeit . XXX . 484-485 . 1874. See also XXXII . 121. ) A new hardy shrub ( Xanthoceras sorbifolia ) . ( Gard . VIII . 524-525 , 1 il . , 1 pl ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia . ( Rev. Hort . 1872 , pp . 291-292 , pl .; 1873 , pp . 448-449 , il . 40. 1872–73 . ) - - Economic - Schenck , Rudolf . Botanisch - pharmacognostische Unter- suchungen der Qumacai cipó . ( Diss . ) Erlangen ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia . ( Gartenfl . XLI . 332-333 . 1892. ) [ Morphological . ] ( In ( Field Columb . Mus . Publ ... [ Xanthoceras sorbifolia . ] ( Acad . Sci . St. Petersb . Mém . Sav . Etr . II . 85. 1835. ) D [ e ] c [ ais ] ne ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
Sir William Jackson Hooker. XANTHOCERAS SORBIFOLIA , Native of North China . Nat . Ord . SAPINDACEE . - Sub - order SAPINDEĆ . Genus XANTHOCERAS , Bunge ; ( Benth , et Hook . f . Gen. Pl . vol . i . p . 408. ) XANTHOCERAS Sorbifolia ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a small tree but little known among horticulturists and gardeners , though it has been long enough in the country to have gained a much wider distribution had its merits been fully appreciated . It is a native ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia . I have had this for many years , and it has frequently flowered here , but never fruited . Both in flower and fruit it is a most handsome shrub ; indeed , when it was first sent to me from the Jardins des ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia , 77022 . Zea mays , 76687 , 76690 , 76691 , 76695 . Zephyranthes spp . , 76498 , 76928 . Zephyrlily . See Zephyranthes spp . Price 10 cents 77268. GARCINIA BINUCAO Choisy . Clusiaceae . ( Blanco ) 40 PLANT ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia . ( X ) places . They are said to thrive in a compost of peat and loam and to be propagated by offsets . X. Preissii seems to be the most desirable species . A. Trunk very short . B. Spike 3-8 in . long .. minor ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia ( X 2 ) . ( See p . 1993. ) A. Trunk very short . B. Spike 3-8 in . long . minor , R.Br. Lvs . 1-2 ft . long , 1-2 lines wide : scape longer than the lvs .: spike less than 34 in . wide . B.M. 6297. - Belongs to ...
"xanthoceras sorbifolia" from
... Xanthoceras sorbifolia ( X % ) . ( See p . 1993. ) A. Trunk very short . B. Spike 3-8 in . long . minor , R.Br. Lvs . 1-2 ft . long , 1-2 lines wide : scape longer than the lvs .: spike less than 3/4 in . wide . B.M. 6297. - Belongs to ...