"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
John Merle Coulter Aven Nelson. 1. Pseudocymopterus montanus ( Gray ) C. & R. Rev. N. Am . Umbell . 74 . 1888. Stem erect , slender , 3-6 dm . high , more or less leafy , glabrous except at the base of the umbel or on the rays : the ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus ( A. Gray ) Coult . & Rose , Rev. Umbell . 74. 1888 . Thaspium ? montanum A. Gray , Mem . Amer . Acad . n . ser . 4 : 57. 1849 . TYPE LOCALITY : Sunny declivities at the foot of mountains , along Santa Fe Creek ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus : a , × 6 ; b , × 8 . Caulescent or acaulescent plants , with bipinnate leaves , no involucre ( very rarely a bract or two ) , involucels of mostly linear bractlets , and variously colored flowers . Type ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus APIACEAE ( Cymopterus lemmonii ) Alpine false spring parsley Mountain woodlands and forests . Summer . Uncommon . An erect perennial with slender flowering stems to 30 inches tall . Leaves mostly basal , erect ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus ' Only species making up > 0.5 percent of total understory production ( Y4 ) within the indicated basal area classes are listed . Values in parentheses indicate percent of total deer and elk forage ( Y13 ) ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus Dicaeoma Pseudocymopteri , 397 Pseudocymopterus multifidus Dicaeoma Pseudocymopteri , 397 Pseudopteryxia anisata Allodus Jonesii , 798 Micropuccinia Musenii , 551 Pseudoreoxis bipinnatus Dicaeoma ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus Solidago decumbens Artemisia scopulorum Achillea lanulosa Solidago decumbens Draba streptocarpa Thlaspi glaucum Alsine baicalensis Pentstemon stenosepalus Polemonum pulchellum montanus FIG . 6. - Line transect ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... fruit puberulent ; mature fruit oblong , 3 to 4 mm . long , 1 to 2 mm . wide . Reference : See footnote 97 , p . 649 . 2. P. DAVIDSONI . 1. Pseudocymopterus montanus ( A. Gray ) Coult . and FLOWERING PLANTS AND FERNS OF ARIZONA 653.
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus ( A. Gray ) C. & R. tanum B. & H. ) In mountain woods from Wyo . to N. M. and Ariz . - Alt . 8000-12,500 ft . - Headwaters of Clear Creek ; Clear Creek Cañon ; Cumbres ; Cumberland Basin , La Plata Mountains ...
"pseudocymopterus montanus" from
... Pseudocymopterus montanus ( A. Gray ) C. & R. ( Ligusticum mon- tanum B. & H. ) In mountain woods from Wyo . to N. M. and Ariz . Alt . 8000-12,500 ft . - Headwaters of Clear Creek ; Clear Creek Cañon ; Cumbres ; Cumberland Basin , La ...