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"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa [ PLACULI ] Lecidea obtegens Th . Fr. = Trapelia obtegens [ TRAPOBT ] Lecidea oligotropha J.R. Laundon = Placynthiella oligotropha [ PLACOLI ] Lecidea ornata ( Sommerf . ) Hue = Trapelia involuta [ TRAPINV ] ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa , 25 Placynthium nigrum , 488 Plagiochasma , 110 , 353 Planctomycetes , 84 , 86 , 95 Planophila , 69-70 Plantago coronopus , 387 Pleosporales , 89 Pleurochaete squarrosa , 466 Poa ligularis , 465 Poa sandbergii ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa ( Schrader ) Coppins et P.James , Lepraria neglecta ( Nyl . ) Erichsen , Leptochidium albociliatum ( Desmaz . ) M.Choisy , Leptogium lichenoides ( L. ) Zahlbr . , Massalongia carnosa ( Dickson ) Körber ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa, 287 Placynthium, 37, 39, 49, 287 Placynthium asperellum, 287 Placynthium flabellosum, 287 Placynthium nigrum, 287 Placynthium petersii, 287 Placynthium stenophyllum, 287 Plagiocarpa, 218 Plagiocarpa hyalospora ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa 6. Hypothecium pale brownish ; apothecia black ; thallus gray - black to varnish - like , gelatinous when moist ...... 5. Thallus lighter - colored , yellowish , greenish yellow , whitish , or ashy . 9. Thallus ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa lichen crust; and Carex oligosperma / Sphagnum subsecundum poor fen. A recent survey (Allen et al. 2002; L. Allen, ANHIC, pers. comm., October 2005) in La Butte Creek Wildland Provincial Park north of the delta ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa ( Schrader ) Coppins & P. James Platismatia glauca ( L. ) Culb . & C. Culb . Platismatia herrei ( Imshaug ) Culb . & C. Culb . Platismatia stenophylla ( Tuck . ) Culb . & C. Culb . Polyblastia sp . A. Massal ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa pioneer community on open, humus-rich soils, (b) the next successional stage of the Placynthiella-Cladonia glauca community, (c) the Cladina portentosa community in older heaths and (d) the Hypnum-Pleurozium ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa ( Schrad . ) Coppins & James Agyriaceae E + E + Micarea prasina Fr. Lecanorales , E + C + Pilocarpaceae Micarea melanobola ( Nyl . ) Coppins E + C + Micarea misella ( Nyl . ) Hedl . E + C + Micarea peliocarpa ...
"placynthiella uliginosa" from
... Placynthiella uliginosa ( Trapeliaceae ) , crustose , fairly widespread on peaty and sandy heathland soils , and on decomposing wood . The genus name may be from Greek plax + the diminutive of cynthos = ' plate ' + the mountain Cynthos ...