... ( Pinus banksiana ) Paul O. Rudolf LAKE STATES FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION M. B. Dickerman , Director FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE SILVICAL REPORTS During 1907 and the following several years. Front Cover.
... Pinus banksiana / P . resinosa The most common northern pines in eastern North America are P. banksiana and P. resinosa and diploxylon pollen from northeastern North America is therefore generally ascribed to these two species ...
... [ Pinus banksiana ] seeds : results of five year period . 035646 Effect of three species of logging slash [ from Populus tremuloides , Pinus banksiana , and Picea mariana ] . 035745 Development of the tapetum in Pinus banksiana preceding ...
... Pinus banksiana . 2. The quantitative analysis of the growth of callus from hypocotyls and radicles . Can J Bot 54 : 446-455 DAVID A 1982 In vitro propagation of gymnosperms . In JM Bonga and DJ Durzan , eds , Tissue Culture in Forestry ...
... Pinus banksiana Lamb . and Picea glauca ( Moench ) Voss . In : Proc 12th Meet Committee Forest tree breeding in Canada , Laval Quebec , Canadian Forestry Service , Ottawa , Canada , p 79–83 Durzan DJ , Bennett DR ( 1970 ) Observations ...