Tumid notchwort (Lophozia ventricosa) is a common leafy liverwort that is common and grows on rock, humus and decayed wood. I usually find it most often on decayed wood in relatively moist and cool forest environments. It is one of about 60 species of Lophozia and many of them are difficult to identify.
Lophozia ventricosa. Tumid Notchwort. Key 62. 1 mm. Jungermanniales. L. ventricosa is usually the first member of its genus seen by beginners and is such a.
Scientific name: Lophozia ventricosa. Authority (Dicks.): Dumort. Common name: Tumid Notchwort. Division: Liverwort. Growth form: Leafy.
Aug 3, 2024 ˇ Scientific Name: Lophozia ventricosa var. ventricosa ; Kingdom: Plantae ; Phylum: Hepatophyta ; Class: Jungermanniopsida ; Order: Jungermanniales.
Lophozia ventricosa is a leafy liverwort. Lophozia ventricosa demonstrates well-developed terminal perianths that are characteristic of the genus.
Lophozia ventricosa - Male shoot. Butte Creek Falls, Linn Co., Oregon. DHW m1853a. Lophozia ventricosa - Perianth mouth, Olive Lake, Grant County, Oregon.
Dec 16, 2021 ˇ Lophozia ventricosa is a species of plants with 238 observations.
Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort. var. rigida R.M. Schust. ; Symbol: LOVER ; Group: Liverwort ; Growth Habit: Nonvascular ; Native Status: NA N ; Kingdom. Plantae ...
Scientific Name. Lophozia ventricosa. Kingdom. Plantae. Location in Taxonomic Tree. Genus. Lophozia. Species. Lophozia ventricosa. Identification Numbers. TSN:.
Name ; Jungermannia porphyroleuca f. tenuior Nees; Homonyms ; Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort. Common names ...