Lophozia rubrigemma R.M. Schust. ; Group: Liverwort ; Growth Habit: Nonvascular ; Native Status: NA N ; Kingdom. Plantae - Plants ; Division. Hepaticophyta - ...
Kingdom: Plantae ; Phylum: Hepatophyta ; Order: Jungermanniales ; Family: Jungermanniaceae ; Species: Lophozia rubrigemma.
Aug 3, 2024 · Stotler and Crandall-Stotler (2017) expand the concept of Lophozia rubrigemma (= Lophoziopsis rubrigemma) to include Lophozia longidens ssp.
Lophozia rubrigemma R.M. Schust. Family: Jungermanniaceae. Images not available. Resources. Internal Resources. 0 occurrences; Taxonomic Tree. External ...
[Lophozia pellucida var. rubrigemma (R.M.Schust.) Bakalin, moreLophozia rubrigemma R.M. Schust., Lophoziopsis rubrigemma f. rubrigemma].
Other names with Lophozia rubrigemma R.M. Schust. as basionym: Lophozia pellucida var. rubrigemma (R.M. Schust.) Bakalin !Lophoziopsis × rubrigemma (R.M. ...
Lophozia rubrigemma R. M. Schust., Hep. Anth. North Amer. 2: 621. 1969. This taxon has a strictly Arctic distribution, and does not reach even mountainous ...
Lophozia rubrigemma, Species, 34163. Lophozia rutheana, Species, 33947. Lophozia subapiculata, Species, 36044. Lophozia sudetica, Species, 39191. Lophozia ...
Lophozia rubrigemma. Images not available. Lophozia rufescens. Images not available. Lophozia rutheana. Images not available. Lophozia savicziae. Images not ...
Lophozia rubrigemma R.M. Schust.P. Lophozia rufescens SchljakovP. Lophozia rutheana (Limpr.) M. HoweP. Lophozia savicziae SchljakovP. Lophozia subapiculata R.M. ...