"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris, etc.), arctic-montane (Jungermannia polaris Lindb., Lophozia propagulifera (Gottsche) Steph., L. silvicoloides N. Kitag., Scapania kaurinii, etc.) or montane (Scapania microdonta, S. rufidula, S. sphaerifera, etc ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . & Damsholt Steere and Inoue 1978 Lophozia quadriloba ( Lindb . ) Evans Inoue 1976 , Persson 1962 as Orthocaulis , Steere and Inoue 1978 Lophozia ventricosa ( Dicks . ) Dumort . Inoue 1976 , Steere ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . & Damsholt Steere and Inoue 1978 Lophozia quadriloba ( Lindb . ) Evans Inoue 1976 , Persson 1962 as Orthocaulis , Steere and Inoue 1978 Lophozia ventricosa ( Dicks . ) Dumort . Inoue 1976 , Steere ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust et Damsh . ( L. alpestris subsp . polaris Schust . + ) ( 1 ) n = 9,18 mi H. INOUE 1976+ USA : Alas . Lophozia sudetica ( Hüb . ) Grolle ( L. alpestris auct . + ) ( 1 ) n = 9 mi H.INOUE 1976+ USA ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
Rudolf Mathias Schuster. Lophozia ( Lophozia ) polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . 29 [ Fig . 10 ] [ Lophozia alpestris ssp . polaris Schust . , Hep . & Anthoc . N.A. 2 : 614 , 1969 ; L. major ( Jens . ) Schljakov , 1973. ] 82-1215 , 82 ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . et Damsh . – A , F , G , I , J , K , N – 4 , 20 , 23 , 24 — монтанный арктический циркумполярный . Lophozia propagulifera ( Gott . ) Steph . – A , E , G , H , I , J , K , M , O – 1 , 3 , 20 , 23 ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Schistochilopsis grandiretis (Lindb.) Konst., Nardia geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb.) as well as for a number of rare species. Ma- jority of these species are arctomontane species, while several ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... ( Lophozia ) polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . & Damsholt Arctic Alaskan Collections Seen From . Alatna River ( BMM , ALA ) ; Barrow ( WCS ) ; Anaktuvuk Pass ( HI ) ; Kavik River Camp ( HI ) ; Ogotoruk Creek ( HI ) . Habitat and Geographic ...
"lophozia polaris" polaris from
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . & Damsh . Listed as questionable on Svalbard by Duell ( 1983 ) . Reported from Kongressdalen by Hadač ( 1989 : 153 , specimen named by J. Vána ) . The species is thoroughly described by Schuster ...