... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . et Damsh . – A , F , G , I , J , K , N – 4 , 20 , 23 , 24 — монтанный арктический циркумполярный . Lophozia propagulifera ( Gott . ) Steph . – A , E , G , H , I , J , K , M , O – 1 , 3 , 20 , 23 ...
... Lophozia polaris (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Schistochilopsis grandiretis (Lindb.) Konst., Nardia geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb.) as well as for a number of rare species. Ma- jority of these species are arctomontane species, while several ...
... Lophozia polaris ( Schust . ) Schust . & Damsh . Listed as questionable on Svalbard by Duell ( 1983 ) . Reported from Kongressdalen by Hadač ( 1989 : 153 , specimen named by J. Vána ) . The species is thoroughly described by Schuster ...