... Lophozia perssonii . Van 3 soorten kon het voorkomen in Nederland op grond van herba- rium studies worden vastgesteld : Barbilopho- zia hatcheri ( Touw 1967 ) , Calypogeia muelle- rana ( Touw 1963 , VOGELPOEL 1971 ) en Plagio- chila ...
... occur in such disturbed habitats: Fossombronia sp., Lophozia perssonii, Nardia geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb., N. japonica, Tritomaria heterophylla. Thus , the liverwort flora of Yakutia may be characterized 2 Flora of Yakutia 83.
... . Siberia , Himalaya , Sakhalin , Japan , N. America , Greenland . D. G. LONG 0 Km 100 Miles 4 100 O 23/6 . Lophozia. 23/5 . Lophozia sudetica ( Nees ex Hüb . ) Grolle 23/7 . Lophozia perssonii Buch & S. Arn . II2 LOPHOZIACEAE : LOPHOZIA.
... Lophozia perssonii , Cephaloziella sp . , 92–57 01 , with mature capsules and gemmae ; Serpen- tine Hot Springs ( 65 ° 51'N , 164 ° 45'W ) , upper part of south - east facing slope , on bare sandy soil , ass . with Lophozia alboviridis ...
... Lophozia perssonii Buch & S. Arnell spec . nova . Bot . Notiser . 144 , 381-7 . Jones E. W. ( 1959 ) . Lophozia perssonii Buch & S. Arnell in the Jura . Revue bryol . lichen . 28 , 353-4 . Müller , K. ( 1954 ) . Die Lebermoose Europas ...