Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. Lophozia ascendens is a liverwort that is native to California. Plant Range · Observation Search
Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. ; Group: Liverwort ; Growth Habit: Nonvascular ; Native Status: NA N ; Kingdom. Plantae - Plants ; Division. Hepaticophyta ...
Oct 4, 2024 · Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) Schust. Other Common Names: Lophozie ascendante (FR) Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Hepatophyta Class: Jungermanniopsida
It described as is smaller than Lophozia ascendens and has similar erect, gemmiferous shoots. ... Lophozia ascendens, Wilson Creek, British Columbia, Canada.
Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. Provided by: [A].Lophoziaceae; [B].World Flora Online consortium; [C].World Flora Online consortium. Data. Habitat.
Lophozia ascendens. Name. Synonyms: Lophozia gracillima H.Buch · Sphenolobus adscendens Warnst. Sphenolobus ascendens Warnst. Homonyms: Lophozia ascendens ( ...
Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. ; Kingdom, Plantae - Plants ; Division, Hepaticophyta - Liverworts.
Species - A Liverwort - Lophozia ascendens. A Liverwort - Lophozia ascendens. No photos are currently available. If you have a high quality photo of this ...
Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. Family: Lophoziaceae. [Lophozia gracillima H.Buch, moreSphenolobus ascendens Warnst.] Lophozia ascendens image.
Lophozia ascendens is a species of plants with 9 observations.