"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens ( Warnst . ) Schust . [ LOPHASC ] SY : Lophozia gracillima Buch SY : Sphenolobus ascendens Warnst . SY : Lophozia longidens auct . Lophozia attenuata ( Mart . ) Dum . = Barbilophozia attenuata [ BARBATT ] Lophozia ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens : 1 , plant with perianth ; 2 , perianth mouth ; 3 , gemmiferous leaves ; 4 , gemmae . 5-6 , L. wenzelii : 5 , habit ; 6 , leaves . 7-10 , L. longiflora : 7 , plants with and without perianth ; 8 , perianth mouth ; 9 ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens 3 Lophozia incisa Fomitopsis rosea Junghuhnia collabens Laurilia sulcata Phellinus ferrugineofuscus Phellinus nigrolimitatus Skeletocutis stellae Skeletocutis tschulymica 4 413 4 4 32 3 4 4 3 2 Lophozia longidens ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) R.M. Schust., KC184727; Lophozia lantratoviae Bakalin, KC184728; Lophoziopsis excisa (Dicks.) Konstant. & Vilnet, KC184729; Lophoziopsis longidens (Lindb.) Konstant. & Vilnet, KC184730; Macrocolura ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens Tritomaria exsecta Rare mosses Bryhnia hultenii rotten wood humus rock and maple bark humus humus bank tree trunk / soil / rock soil / rock / rotten wood log 10.4.2 How to Monitor: Bryophytes Concerns about bryophytes ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... LOPHOZIA ASCENDENS ( Warnst . ) Schuster . Algoma ; L. Opeongo , Al- gonquin Park ; Durham ; L. Timagami , det . Schuster . * LOPHOZIA CAPITATA ( Hook . ) K. M. Algonquin Park ; Manitoulin Is . ( Schuster , 1953 , p . 346 , pl . 10 ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens ( gracillima ) Lophozia grandiretis Lophozia heterocolpa Lophozia incisa Lophozia muelleri Lophozia ventricosa Mannia fragrans Mannia rupestrist Mylia anomala ** Marchantia polymorpha Odontoschisma denudatum ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens and L. ciliata on rotting wood ) . 3 1 2 11 9 12 15 16 ... 3 5. 2 Gemmae absent . Stolons present . Lateral leaves conduplicate - concave , transversely inserted , 2 - lobed to 1/2 ; lobes lanceolate , entire . Leaf ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens Lophozia bicrenata Scapania mucronata Scapania scandica Scapania umbrosa Tritomaria exsecta Tritomaria exsectiformis Tritomaria scitula Arnellia fennica ( appears robust ) Barbilophozia attenuata Barbilophozia ...
"lophozia ascendens" from
... Lophozia ascendens L. laxa Metzgeria simplex Nardia insecta Amblystegium subtile Brachythecium curtum B. fendleri Bryhnia novae - angliae Cinclidotus riparius Dicranella howei D. humilis Ditrichum pallidum Fissidens arnoldii Hypnum ...