"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha . ( GA . 1889 , 524. ) H. A tall bush with lanceolate - ovate to ... micrantha . ] Lonicera minutiflora . ( GA . 1889 , 523. ) Garden ... Lonicera tatarica grandibracteata . ( GA . 1891 , 486 , f . 90. ) H. shr . A ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... Lonicera tatarica L. 100 , 101 Lonicera tatarica var . micrantha Trautv . 100 Lotus corniculatus L. 104 , 105 Lotus corniculatus var . japonicus Regel 105 Lotus tenuis Waldst . et Kit . ex Willd . 105 Lythrum salicaria L. 106 Lythrum ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha . ( GA . 1889 , 524. ) H. A tall bush with lanceolate - ovate to ... micrantha . ] Lonicera minutiflora . ( GA . 1889 , 523. ) Garden ... Lonicera tatarica grandibracteata . ( GA . 1891 , 486 , f . 90. ) H. shr . A ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... Lonicera tatarica var . micrantha Trautv . Shrubs , deciduous 2.3 ( -1.3-6.1 ) ; -16.4 ( -20.9 ~ -11.6 ) ; 17.3 ( 13.2 ~ 20.4 ) ; 6.7 ( 4.5 ~ 8.7 ) ; 47.8 ( 26.7 ~ 68.8 ) ; 79.7 ( 53.6 ~ 103.9 ) ; 526 ( 433 ~ 608 ) | 322 ( 225 ~ 450 ) ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha Lonicera tatarica Lonicera parvifolia Lonicera tatarica Arundo reynaudiana Limnanthemum peltatum Neyraudia reynaudiana Nymphoides peltata Lotus ambiguus Lotus corniculatus Menyanthes nymphoides Nymphoides peltata Lotus ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... Lonicera Tatarica praecox 129 pulcherrima ( 128 ) - puberula ( 130 ) punicea 129 , 219 purpurea ( 127 ) Pyrenaica ... micrantha 130 ( 207 ) 217. pl . 3 . microphylla 129 f . 11 nana 130 odorata 129 parvifolia 129 virescens ( 199 ) ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha 1 Penstemon alpinus Scrophulariaceae Lonicera tatarica 1 Penstemon barbatus Lotus tenuis Fabaceae 2 Penstemon californicus 11 Lotus uliginosus 11 1 Penstemon calycosus Penstemon campanulatus Penstemon cobaea Penstemon ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha . Bush Lonicera Morrowii .. Morrow's bush Lonicera Staħdishii.Bush Lonicera tatarica .... Tartarian honeysuckle ... Dec . 13 .... Dec . 23 .... Feb . 17 .... honeysuckle ... Dec. 15 .... Jan . 18 .... Jan . 21 ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... micrantha Rgl . Уже съ давнихъ поръ въ литературѣ появился особый видъ , близкій къ Lonicera tatarica L. и къ L. floribunda Boiss . et Bse . , который описанъ подъ названіемъ L. micrantha Trautv . ( ? ) . Такъ какъ критически этотъ видъ ...
"lonicera tatarica" micrantha from
... Lonicera tatarica micrantha Trautv . 1866 , Regel 1888 ( in litt . ) . Lonicera micrantha Regel 1878 . parvifolia K. Koch , wohl nur Gartenform mit meist weissen Blüten . Lonicera tatarica var . 8 Willd . 1805 . pyrenaica Willd ...