... , sage meadows, and meadows. Most common in WY, often found on shale or chalk blus. Native. Musineon divaricatum leafy wild parsley RM, foothills, sagebrush steppe, grasslands,. Lomatium dissectum Lomatium grayi Lomatium nuttallii.
... ( Lomatium nuttallii ) Proposed Activities - Known Nuttall Desert - Parsley Populations All known populations of Lomatium nuttallii do not occur within or near the BCLMP area . Proposed Activities - Potential Nuttall Desert - Parsley ...
... Lomatium nuttallii ( Welsh and others 1987 ) , is a native perennial forb that can be found growing from sagebrush - grass up through the subalpine communi- ties . It exists on basic and acidic soils ( Plummer 1977 ; Welsh and others ...
... Lomatium nuttallii. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 57, no. 5 (1968): 865–68. Lee, T. T., et al. Suksdorfin: An anti-HIV principle from Lomatium suksdorfii, its structure-activity correlation with related coumarins, and synergistic ...