"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
Marie Harrison. Juniperus chinensis var . sargentii Sargent's Juniper Juniperus conferta Shore Juniper. Say : jew - NIP - er - us chi - NEN - sis var . sar - JEN - tee - eye ... Juniperus chinensis var sargentii (Sargent's Juniper)
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
Dr. Robert P. Adams. Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii A. Henry in Elwes & Henry, Trees of Great Brit. Ireland 6: 1432 (1912). Sargent's juniper, yan bai (Chin.), Miyama-byakushin (Jap.). Type: Japan, Hokkaido, Kitami Prov., Rebun-jima ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis ' Pfitzerana ' balled and burlapped HIGH LOW AVG . DESCRIPTION 1994 HIGH LOW AVG . 15.00 13.50 ... sargentii balled and burlapped 19.20 7.10 13.20 22.50 13.40 17.20 28.20 14.40 20.70 2 ' ht 33.00 16.50 22.80 18 ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis var. chinensis (black) [n=91, m=71, h=17, 1767–2005]; J. chinensis var. sargentii (red) [n=27, m=26, h=8, 1861–1975]; J. chinensis var. tsuku- siensis (yellow) [n=5, m=5, h=3, 1928–1994] Juniperus chinensis is widely ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... (Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii'): Fast-growing plant that reaches 18 inches tall. This selection has gray-green foliage. Gold Cone Juniper ( Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'): Upright- growing juniper with bright-yellow foliage. Chinese ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis Sargentii Juniperus chinensis procumbens Juniperus communis depressa Cotoneaster microphylla Daphne Cneorum Epigaea repens Erica carnea Evonymus obovata Evonymus radicans minima Evonymus radicans acuta Calophaca ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... sargentii J. chinensis var . sargentii Henry ( 1912 ) 1432 ; J. procumbens Sarg . in Gard . & For . 10 ; 421 ( 1897 ) , not Miq . ( 1870 ) ; J. chinensis var . procumbens Takeda in Journ . Linn . Soc . Lond ... Juniperus chinensis.
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii A. Henry in Elwes & Henry, Trees of Great Brit. Ireland 6: (1912). Sargent's juniper, yan bai (Chin.), Miyama-byakushin (Jap.). Type: Japan, Hokkaido, Kitami Prov., Rebun-jima. M. Furuse 9385 (neotype ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis f . japonica ( Carr . ) Gymnosporangium haraeanum Juniperus Chinese juniper Fomes Gymno Juniperu Ооссое Japanese juniper Didyn Gymn G.80 Log Herpotrichia nigra Juniperus chinensis var . sargentii Henry Sargent ...
"juniperus chinensis" sargentii from
... Juniperus chinensis var . sargentii Henry Sargent Chinese juniper Gymnosporangium nipponicum G. yamadae Juniperus communis L. common juniper Armillaria mellea Caliciopsis nigra Clasterosporium glomerulosum Coniophora puteana Cytospora ...