"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata * Euphorbia cuphosperma Euphorbia curtisii Euphorbia cyathophora Chinese Caps Hairy - fruit spurge Curtis ' spurge Fire on the mounain Annual / biennial Annual Perennial Annual / perennial Forb / herb Forb / herb ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
John Bitting Smith Norton. 4 1 3 D 1 C C 2 1 こ 2 00 ∞ да EUPHORBIA CRENULATA . REPT . MO . BOT . GARD . , VOL . 11 . PLATE 36 .
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata 15 ' Per ; gland horns < gland width 16. Lf sessile ; st ascending to erect ; gland margin 2 - horned , entire to scalloped between horns ..... Euphorbia lurida 16 ' Lf narrowed to short petiole ; st ascending to ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata (Chinese caps), 50, 53, 56 Euphorbia eriantha (desert poinsettia), 30 Euphorbia incisa (Mojave or cut-lobe spurge), 37, 45 Euphorbia lathyris (caper spurge, gopher plant), 50, 53 Euphorbia misera (cliff spurge, bush ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata mm calyx 1 mm staminate inflorescence staminate flower 1 mm ] 10 cm staminode pistillate flower 2 mm pistillate inflorescence 1 cm pistillate plant Le staminate plant Mercurialis annua staminate flower mm 2 cm mm LR ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata Engelm . Exsicc .: 09/29/06 Barfoot Park 1437 . Euphorbia dentata Michx . Exsicc .: 09/19/07 Paradise 1678 ; 08/19/07 Barfoot Park 1591 . Euphorbia exstipulata Engelm . Exsicc .: 09/07/07 Paradise 1658 . Euphorbia ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata 1 mm -10 seed fruit Euphorbia peplus ♂ infl 1 mm 1 mm seed Euphorbia spathulata T. ilicifolius 1 cm [ fruit 2 mm fruit Euphorbia eriantha fruit ינ mm mm 2 mm stamen cluster 1 cm leaf Ricinus communis 1 mm 5 mm 2 mm ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata Euphorbia peplus Fritillaria lanceolata Galium californicum ssp . californicum Galium sp . Gilia achilleaefolia ssp . achilleaefolia Gilia achilleaefolia ssp . multicaulis Gnaphalium bicolor Habenaria unalascensis ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata 310 Euphorbia serpillifolia 49 F Fabaceae (Pea) Acmispon americanus 49 Acmispon argophyllus 156 Acmispon brachycarpus 157 Acmispon glaber 157 Acmisponnevadensis 156 Acmispon parviflorus 49 Acmispon strigosus 157 ...
"euphorbia crenulata" from
... Euphorbia crenulata Euphorbia peplus Fritillaria lanceolata Galium californicum ssp . californicum Galium sp . Gilia achilleaefolia ssp . achilleaefolia Gilia achilleaefolia ssp . multicaulis Gnaphalium bicolor Habenaria unalascensis ...