"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia L. Euphorbia cyathophora Murray (= Poinsettia cyathophora (Murray) Klotzsch & Garcke) Euphorbia lactea Haw. Euphorbia lathyris L. Euphorbia marginata Pursh Euphorbia milii Des Moul. Euphorbia myrsinites L ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... ( Euphorbia cotinifolia L. ) Slipper Flower ( Pedilanthus tithymaloides [ L. ] Poito . ) Verbena Family , Verbenaceae Lantana ( Lantana camara L. ) Mushroom Order , Agaricales , Includes Thirteen Families Found in Hawai'i Tricholomataceae ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia L. , Sp . Pl.:453 ( 1753 ) Atlas . 1 t.30 . Tithymalus arboreus americanus cotini- folio Cat . Hort . Med . Amst . ( Commelin 1689 : 350 ) . Dutch : Americaans boomachtig wolfs - melk , met bladeren van cotinus ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria agallocha Euphorbiaceae Pungapung Kasuy / cashew Kaong Kapal - kapal Fishtail palm Gabi / yam Suerte Hierba mala Buta - buta Sileng - bilog / pod pepper Fleurya interrupta Urticaceae Lipang ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia L. , 413 Euphorbia crotonoides Boiss . , 446 subsp . crotonoides , 446 subsp . narokensis S.Carter , 446 Euphorbia cryptospinosa Bally , 526 Euphorbia cuneata sensu auct . , 468 Euphorbia cuneata Vahl , 466 , 465 ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia Linn . Sp . Pl . 453 . Aklema elliptica ( Kl . & Gke . ) Adenopetalum ellipticum Kl . & Gke . Tricocc . 50 . Euphorbia saccharata Boiss . Cent . Euph . 18 . Aklema Friderichthalii ( Boiss . ) Euphorbia ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia L. Amoen . Acad . 3 : 112. 1756 . Alectoroctonum cotinifolium Schlecht . Linnaea 19 : 252. 1845 . Alectoroctonum scotanum Schlecht . Linnaea 19 : 252 . 1845 . Alectoroctonum yavalquahuitl Schlecht . Linnaea 19 ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia , 214 , 271 Euphorbia enopla , 122 Euphorbia flanaganii , 101 Euphorbia gorgonis , 213 Euphorbia polygona , 101 ' Snowflake ' , 211 , 248 dusty miller , 255 dyckia , 164 Dyckia ' Brittle Star ' , 101 dymondia , 121 ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... Euphorbia cotinifolia . Round - leaved Spurge . S. Amer . July and Aug. S. h . Nov. D. S. h . . S. h . Forfkolilea anguftifolia . Narrow - leaved Forfkohlea . Teneriffe . G. A. Forfkohlea tenaciffima . Clammy Forfkohlea . Egypt . June ...
"euphorbia cotinifolia" from
... EUPHORBIA COTINIFOLIA , see Euphorbia caput Medus . EUPHORBIA CYPARIS'SIAS , E. Cypress'ina , Ex'ula minor seu Cyparissias , Tithym'alus Cypa- ris'sias , Cypress spurge , Welcome to our house , ( F. ) Euphorbe cyprès . This , like most ...