"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens , Massal . Ric . 86. fig . 177. - Kbr . S. L. G. 174 . On the trunks of trees , old walls , rocks , etc .; frequent . The apothecia of this species are not often met with . Its spermogones also are of very rare ...
"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens DESCRIPTION : Pale gray , lobed , crustose lichens with folded , almost foliose radiating lobes , mostly 0.7-1.5 mm across , often pruinose at the tips ; irregular white to blue - gray soralia on the upper surface ...
"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens ( Dicks . ) Massal . TLC : A : 72 , B ' : 45 , C : 63 , E : 51 HPLC : R , 23 Lit : Sala et al . 1981 CI Crystals ( CH2Cl2 - n - pentane ) , mp 158-160 ° C IR ( CC1 ) : 1788 cm - 1 1H - NMR ( 90 MHz , CDCl3 ) : 2.25 ...
"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens,” scientists in Rennes, France report. “The structure of compound 1 was elucidated by spectroscopic data analysis, and the biosynthetic origin of this product is discussed. Secalonic acids B (7), D (8), and F (9) ...
"diploicia canescens" from
... DIPLOICIA canescens , e . i . DIPLOTOMMA albo - atrum , e . i . epipolium , i . ENDOCARPON fluviatile , e . minutum , e . i . 8 complicatum , e . pusillum , i . EVERNIA furfuracea , e . prunastri , e . i . B stictocera , e . i . GRAPHIS ...
"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens 0❘ 4 cm in fissures Caloplaca sp . 0 Optical microscopy permited a better illustration of the interface . Thin sec- tions were made with a first fixation of the biological structures by glutaralde- hyde , coloration ...
"diploicia canescens" from
This illustrated guide describes lichen and where they can be found, and assesses the effect of various management practices on lichen abundance and species diversity.
"diploicia canescens" from
... Diploicia canescens Lepraria incana Lecanora chlarotera Bryoria fucescens Degelia plumbea Ramalina farinacea Lecidella elaeochroma Physconia distorta Ramalina fraxinea Opegrapha varia Teleoschistes flavicans 1.13.3 USES OF LICHENS As ...