... Diploicia canescens , Massal . Ric . 86. fig . 177. - Kbr . S. L. G. 174 . On the trunks of trees , old walls , rocks , etc .; frequent . The apothecia of this species are not often met with . Its spermogones also are of very rare ...
... Diploicia canescens DESCRIPTION : Pale gray , lobed , crustose lichens with folded , almost foliose radiating lobes , mostly 0.7-1.5 mm across , often pruinose at the tips ; irregular white to blue - gray soralia on the upper surface ...
... Diploicia canescens,” scientists in Rennes, France report. “The structure of compound 1 was elucidated by spectroscopic data analysis, and the biosynthetic origin of this product is discussed. Secalonic acids B (7), D (8), and F (9) ...
... DIPLOICIA canescens , e . i . DIPLOTOMMA albo - atrum , e . i . epipolium , i . ENDOCARPON fluviatile , e . minutum , e . i . 8 complicatum , e . pusillum , i . EVERNIA furfuracea , e . prunastri , e . i . B stictocera , e . i . GRAPHIS ...
... Diploicia canescens 0❘ 4 cm in fissures Caloplaca sp . 0 Optical microscopy permited a better illustration of the interface . Thin sec- tions were made with a first fixation of the biological structures by glutaralde- hyde , coloration ...
This illustrated guide describes lichen and where they can be found, and assesses the effect of various management practices on lichen abundance and species diversity.