Cuphea wrightii A. Gray. Family: Lythraceae. Wright's Waxweed. [Cuphea wrightii subsp. wrightii, moreCuphea wrightii var. compacta , Cuphea wrightii var.
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Mar 12, 2021 ˇ Cuphea wrightii A. Gray ˇ Wright's Waxweed ˇ Lythraceae (Loosestrife family) ˇ Synonym(s): Cuphea wrightii var. nematopetala, Parsonsia wrightii.
Cuphea wrightii is a plant of the tropical regions of central N. America, but is said to be suitable for cultivation as an annual in parts of the temperate zone ...
Cuphea wrightii A. Gray ; Family: Lythraceae. Wright's Waxweed. [Cuphea wrightii subsp. wrightii, moreCuphea wrightii var. compacta , Cuphea wrightii var.
Cuphea wrightii is an annual or perennial herb that is not native to California. center. bottom. Observation Search ˇ Plant Characteristics.
Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Cuphea wrightii A. Gray ; Subkingdom, Tracheobionta - Vascular plants ; Superdivision, Spermatophyta - Seed ...
Cuphea wrightii A. Gray. Wright's waxweed. Wright's waxweed. General Information. Symbol: CUWR. Group: Dicot. Duration: Annual. Growth Habit: Forb/herb ...
Jun 7, 2022 ˇ Cuphea wrightii reaches its northernmost distribution in the southeastern corner of Arizona. ... Cuphea wrightii var. nematopetala + and ...
Cuphea wrightii A.Gray ... The native range of this species is SE. Arizona to New Mexico and Central America. It is an annual and grows primarily in the ...