"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica ( C. Rafinesque- Schmaltz ) L. Shinners Sy = C. missurica var . calcicola L. Shinners Sy = C. nuttallii ( G. Engelmann ) J. K. Small Sy = C. petaloidea ( G. Engelmann ) J. K. Small Sy = C. zygophylloides ( P ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... GMmS SuF EM Geyer's sandmat Chamaesyce missurica - GMmS Su CEG prairie sandmat Chamaesyce polygonifolia L GMmS SpF CS seaside sandmat PLANT LIST Aesthetic Wildlife Flower Bloom Value Value Color Period C - 72 Landscape Restoration Handbook.
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica ( Rafinesque ) Shinners [ Euphorbia ] Klein 3240 / CS Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ( Persoon ) Small ssp . serpyllifolia [ Euphorbia ] Neese & Andrews 16025 / CS four - wing saltbush moundscale two - seed orach red ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Chamaesyce stictospora Poinsettia dentata Tragia ramosa Fabaceae ( Pea Family ) Amorpha fruticosa , var . angustifolia Astragalus adsurgens , var . robustior Astragalus bisulcatus Astragalus ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica ( Raf . ) Shinners [ Mayfield 1993 ] Chamaesyce petaloidea ( Engelm . ) Small Euphorbia missurica Raf . var . intermedia ( Engelm . ) L.C. Wheeler Euphorbia petaloidea Engelm . Chamaesyce neomexicana ( Greene ) ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica is represented in Texas by two edaphically distinct though morphologically slightly over- lapping races : a comparatively broad - leaved plant of sand ( all the types of species and varieties here concerned , pos ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica ( Raf . ) Shinners Chamaesyce nutans ( Lag . ) Small Chamaesyce prostrata ( Aiton ) Small Chamaesyce serpens ( Kunth ) Small Chamaesyce stictospora ( Engelm . ) Small Virginia copperleaf ridgeseed spurge spotted ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... Chamaesyce missurica ( Raf . ) Shinners [ Euphorbia ] Chamaesyce revoluta ( Engelm . ) Small [ Euphorbia ] * Chamaesyce serpens ( Kunth ) Small [ Euphorbia ] * Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ( Pers . ) Small [ Euphorbia ] Chamaesyce ...
"chamaesyce missurica" from
... CHAMAESYCE missurica ( Raf . ) Shinners , comb . nov . Euphorbia missurica Raf . , Atl . Journ . 1 : 146 , 1832 ( fide L. C. Wheeler , Rhodora 43 : 132-134 , 1941 ) . E. arenaria Nutt . , Trans . Amer . Philos . Soc . n.s. 5 : 171 ...