"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... Chamaesyce cinerascens ( Engelm . ) Small . Chamaesyce deltoidea ( Engelm . ) Small . Chamaesyce albomarginata ( T. & G. ) Small . Euphorbia albomarginata T. & G. Chamaesyce Fendleri ( T. & G. ) Small . Euphorbia Fendleri T. & G ...
"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... Chamaesyce cinerascens [ Euphorbia cinerascens ] Habit : Prostrate perennials with woody taproots , the stems sometimes arching . Leaves : Opposite ; blades ovate to oblong , about 3/8 " long ; margins entire . Flowers : Tiny , reduced ...
"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... Chamaesyce cinerascens ( G. Engelmann ) J. K. Small E. cordifolia S. Elliott Sy = Chamaesyce cordifolia ( S. Elliott ) J. K. Small E. corollata C. Linnaeus = Sy E. corollata var . angustifolia S. Elliott E. cyathophora J. Murray Sy = E ...
"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... ( Chamaesyce cinerascens ( Engelm . ) Small ) ASHY E. E. cordifolia Ell . ( Chamaesyce cordi- E. humistrata Engelm . ( Chamaesyce humistrata ( Engelm . ) Small ) SPREADING E. , hairy spread- ing s . E. helioscopia L. ( Tithymalus helio ...
"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... Chamaesyce . cinerascens . Moench . Euphorbia segetatis . cotinifolius . Haw . Euphorbia cotinifolia . cyathophorus . Moench . Haw . Euphorbia cyathophora . Cyparissias . Moench . Euphorbia Cyparissias . declinatus . Moench . Euphorbia ...
"chamaesyce cinerascens" from
... ( Chamaesyce cinerascens ( Engelm . ) Small ) ASHY E. ( Chamaesyce indivisa ( Engelm . ) Millsp . ) PINE E. E. innocua L. C. Wheeler . VELVET E. E. cordifolia Ell . ( Chamaesyce cordi- folia ( Ell . ) Small ) HEART- LEAF E. E. corollata L ...