"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Casasia clusiifolia ( Jacq . ) Urban SEVEN - YEAR - APPLE sevenyearapple genip ( SPN ) Gardenia clusiifolia Jacq . , Coll . Bot . Chem . Hist . Nat . Sup . 37 , pl . 4 , fig . 3. 1796 ; as " clusiaefolia . " Genipa clusiifolia ( Jacq ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Casasia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Urb. Rubiaceae ME SE North America (USA: Florida; Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba) S E dr fr ma Gardenia clusiifolia Jacq. Genipa clusiifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. Randia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Chapm. e sevenyearapple casasia ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Flowers and Fruit " of the sevenyear - apple ( Casasia clusiifolia ) ( figure 10-7 ) , so presumably he was somewhere in the Bahamas for at least 132 that long.9 Despite its name, the fruit ripens in. 130 R. ROBERTSON.
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... ( Casasia clusiifolia ) . A small branch of the shrub with fully matured fruit fallaciously said to " require seven years to ripen . " The Kaffir Orange ( Strychnos spinosus ) . A flowering and fruiting portion of this shrub of the ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
A Reference and Field Guide Gil Nelson. Casasia clusiifolia 141 , 295 , CP 228 Clematis Fothergilla gardeni 153 , 154 , CP 123 Hypericaceae 140. Carissa grandiflora , 37 macrocarpa 37 Carpinus caroliniana 353 medica 308 paradisi 308 ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Casasia clusiifolia , Borichia arborescens , Jacquinia keyensis , Suriana maritima and Conocarpus erectus ) . Nest bowl scraped from leaf litter or sand covering limestone rock , lined with dead leaves and down . Nests in Virgin Islands ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Casasia clusiifolia. INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC NAMES Note : Illustrations are indicated by bold- face type . CP refers to the color plates between pages 142 and 143. Italics refer to outdated or invalid names . Acacia 93 , 96 choriophylla 93 ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... ( Casasia clusiifolia ) , and black- bead ( Pithecellobium keyense ) , with frequent palms . This forms an open canopy between which are scattered herbs , such as jackswitch ( Corchorus hirsutus ) , coastal ragweed ( Ambrosia hispida ) ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... ( Casasia clusiifolia ) . A small branch of the shrub with fully matured fruit fallaciously said to " require seven years to ripen . " The Kaffir Orange ( Strychnos spinosus ) . A flowering and fruiting portion of this shrub of the ...
"casasia clusiifolia" from
... Casasia clusiifolia Chiococca alba Coccoloba diversifolia ** * + + + ++ + ++ * ++ ++ ++ + ** ++ ++ ** * ** ** ** ** + + + ++ + * * 14 ** * ** ** **. Table 4 . Flowering and fruiting phenology , tropical hardwood hammock , area of Elliott ...