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$25.20 from Triad Plant Company
$39.99 from Gardens of the World
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$39.95 from Walmart - Daylily Nursery
+$8.95 shipping
$24.95 from Burpee Gardening
+$10.95 shipping
$42.90 from Walmart - xinfeiyingdianzi
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$60.99 from Plant Addicts
+$15.49 shipping
$15.99 from Bonanza - emilia uni mukin's booth
+$3.99 shipping
$9.95 from eCrater - centerofthewebb
+$4.98 shipping
$25.95 from Jackson & Perkins
+$11.95 shipping
$3.84 from Mountain Crest Gardens
+$7.99 shipping
$24.98 from American Plant Exchange
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$8.55 from eCrater - amalhouse
+$3.98 shipping
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