"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus occurs as isolated , islandlike populations that are homogeneous within but differ slightly between populations . The turbinate fruits with prominent ribs and equatorial flange ridge , and the long- tubular ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus occurs as isolated , islandlike populations that are homogeneous within but differ slightly between populations . The turbinate fruits with prominent ribs and equatorial flange ridge , and the long- tubular ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standley CONTENTS : Notes on a Collection of Plants from Western North Carolina : Homer Dolliver House 73 Getting acquainted with Anulocaulis leiosolenus : P. Beveridge Kennedy Notes on the Flora of ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... ANULOCAULIS LEIOSOLENUS BY P. BEVERIDGE KENNEDY ( With cover illustration ) One is always delighted when in their own territory to come across a distinctive plant unlike anything they have seen before . This was the case with the writer ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standley . Boerhaavia leiosolena Torr . Bot . Mex . Bound . 172. 1858 . Specimens examined : TEXAS : Mexican Boundary Survey 1139 , type collection ; Dallas Creek , 1881 , Havard ; Tornillo Creek ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standl . Contr . U. S. Nat . Herb . 12 : 375 . 1909 . Boerhaavia leiosolena Torr . U. S. & Mex . Bound . Bot . 172. 1859 . Plains and hillsides of the Covillea belt . Western Texas to southern Nevada ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standl . , Contr . U.S. Nat . Herb . , 12 ( 8 ) : 375 ( partim ) . 1909 ; N. Amer ... Anulocaulis leiosolenus var . typicus Waterfall , Rhodora , 47 : 330. 1945 . 3a . Anulocaulis leiosolenus var ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus var . gypsogenus NYCTAGINACEAE Gypsum ringstem Open , sparse desert scrub . Spring , summer ... Anulocaulis leiosolenus var . lasianthus NYCTAGINACEAE Southwestern ringstem Open ,. 374 Allionia incarnata var ...
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standley should be found on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande , since it was first collected in the canyon of that stream 70 miles below El Paso . 430 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM .
"anulocaulis leiosolenus" leiosolenus from
... Anulocaulis leiosolenus ( Torr . ) Standley , Contr . U. S. Nat . Herb . 12 : 375 . 1909 . Boerhaavia leiosolena Torr . U. S. & Mex . Bound . Bot . 172. 1859 . TYPE LOCALITY : " In gypseous soil , Great Cañon of the Rio Grande , 70 ...