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Dengue fever in pregnancy: How risky is it?

Pregnant women should especially follow utmost caution and practice good measures to stay protected as well as keep the unborn bab... Read More
Come monsoon and the spread of infections and diseases reach an all-time high. Children, elderly people and expecting mothers fall in the high-risk category for catching infections spread by mosquitoes which breed in contaminated water. Dengue, malaria and many such viral infections can even turn fatal if not taken care of. Pregnant women should especially follow utmost caution and practice good measures to stay protected as well as keep the unborn baby safe.

Dengue is a dangerous viral borne infection which spreads with the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The disease is dangerous for anyone, but, for pregnant moms, it is very important to take precautions to prevent complications, since, the mother can pass on the infection to the unborn baby. The risks can get so severe, in some cases, it can even result in stillbirth, premature birth or other health complications in small babies. However, it should be noted that unlike malarial transmission, dengue fever does not lead to birth defects and abnormalities.
How to take care of dengue in pregnancy
Pregnancy means that you are housing and competing resources for two - the mother as well as the baby. Hence, it is crucial to practice utmost care and pay attention to your diet and health. Pregnant moms can also be low on immunity, hence, they are more prone to catching infections and diseases. Therefore, staying safe from diseases is very important. One should also avoid traveling to areas where the infection risk is rather high.

If a pregnant mom does develop dengue fever, immediate attention should be paid to the hydration levels and nutrition. Fluid intake, along with essential salts which vitalize the body should be increased. Important nutrients you eat in your recovery period also balance out the fluid level in the embryo, which takes care of the baby.

Dengue symptoms throughout pregnancy do not differ from that of a regular person. But, since pregnancy takes a toll on your body, the severity of the condition can increase. High fever, abdominal pain, excruciating headaches, vomiting, dizziness can be experienced. Dengue infection can also decrease your platelet levels, hence, transfusion should be considered. The condition requires constant care and monitoring.

Treatment and prevention
Dengue fever treatment requires plenty of hydration, rest and nourishment. To bring the fever down, doctors usually prescribe paracetamol and NSAIDs which bring down the body temperature. But, if you are pregnant, medicines should always be taken with caution, only after the doctor has given you the go-ahead. Dosage can also be lowered in cases. Natural treatments can also be tried to bring down fever and boost immunity. Sponging with a cold cloth, applying sandalwood paste also work as excellent remedies.

With early detection and proper medical care, the fatality cases can come down to 1%. Mothers, who contact dengue just days before the delivery date or soon after giving birth should be monitored closely since they are the most at risk.

However, it is also important to note that breastfeeding does not prove to be a hindrance to new mothers who catch dengue. Dengue does not spread from the mom to the baby through breastfeeding. In fact, mother's milk contains powerful nutrients and antibodies which can make the baby immune from catching severe infections, including dengue. But, if a mother is suffering from a severe infection, formula milk can be an option to consider.

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