The oracle has spoken: Paul the Octopus picks Germany

The British-born octopus Paul seems to have gone native in his German aquarium
The British-born octopus Paul seems to have gone native in his German aquarium

Paul the Octopus Oracle has spoken: the England players can pack their bags and book the first flight home. Germany, says Paul, will beat them.

As oracles go, this particularly ugly octopus — born in Weymouth but currently resident in a German acquarium — has a good record in predicting the fortunes of the German team. A win against Australia, a loss against Serbia, victory against Ghana: all spot on. Little wonder then that were loud groans from a gaggle of England fans in the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre when the cephalopod mollusc swam over to a glass bearing the German national colours, rather than the more obvious choice of the red-and-white St George’s Cross mug, to pick up his morning snack.

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