Coral Guide

Sebae Anemone   (Heteractis sp)
Family: Stichodactylidae (Anemones)
Habitat: Rocky structures on reef zones, scattered and associated with clownfish
Light: High   Water Flow: Moderate   Space: 50+ gal.
Reef Safe: Yes   Care Level: Difficult   Temperament: Aggressive
Diet: Fish, crustaceans
Natural History: The Sebae Anemone disc grows to about 12 inches in diameter. It normally is zooxanthellate, and photosynthesis is an important part of its nutrition. It will occasionally eat small fish but will flourish in the association with a clownfish. In association with a clownfish the tentacles become fully developed and may produce a leathery texture with adhesive bumps.
Husbandry: This anemone species needs a deep sand bed in which to bury its pedal disk. Its potent nematocysts can penetrate human skin and leave painful welts. It prefers fine sediments over sand. Amphiprion clarkii is the only clownfish reported to associate with this species of anemone.

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