Fauna Marin GmbH Mrutzek Meeresaquaristik Aquafair

Entacmaea quadricolor Bulb-entacle sea anemone, Bubble-tip sea anemone. Bubbletip Anemone

Entacmaea quadricoloris commonly referred to as Bulb-entacle sea anemone, Bubble-tip sea anemone. Bubbletip Anemone. Difficulty in the aquarium: Average. A aquarium size of at least 112 Liter is recommended. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

Profilbild Urheber robertbaur

Entacmaea quadricolor - Kupferanemone - Blasenanemone (c) Robert Baur

Uploaded by robertbaur.

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Entacmaea quadricolor 
Bulb-entacle Sea Anemone, Bubble-tip Sea Anemone. Bubbletip Anemone 
See Anemones 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Cnidaria (Phylum) > Anthozoa (Class) > Actiniaria (Order) > Actiniidae (Family) > Entacmaea (Genus) > quadricolor (Species) 
Initial determination:
(Leuckart in Rüppell & Leuckart, ), 1828 
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Suez-Kanal, Hong Kong, Australia, Coral sea (Eastern Australia), East Africa, Egypt, Great Barrier Reef, India, Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Japan, Lord Howe Island, Malaysia, Melanesia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, New South Wales (Australia), Northern Territory (Australia), Palau, Philippines, Queensland (Australia), Red Sea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Tasman Sea, Thailand, Vietnam, Western Australia 
Marine Zone:
Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. neritic. 
Sea depth:
0 - 200 Meter 
3.94" - 15.75" (10cm - 40cm) 
73.4 °F - 80.6 °F (23°C - 27°C) 
Brine Shrimps, Frozen Food (large sort), Frozen food (small sorts), Krill, Mysis, Smelts, Zooxanthellae / Light 
24.64 gal (~ 112L)  
Easy to breed 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Not evaluated 
Red List:
Least concern (LC)  
More related species
in this lexicon:
Last edit:
2023-10-24 18:51:22 

Captive breeding / propagation

Entacmaea quadricolor is easy to breed. There are offspring in the trade available. If you are interested in Entacmaea quadricolor, please contact us at Your dealer for a progeny instead of a wildcat. You help to protect the natural stocks.


Entacmaea quadricolor, Leuckart in Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828

Entacmaea quadricolor (bubble anemone) is an anemone from the tropical coral reefs of the Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific, whose tentacles reach approx. 10 cm. Bubble anemones are usually reddish in color, which is why they are also called copper anemones. Bubble anemones live in symbiosis with zooxanthellae. In contrast to other sea anemones, they only nettle weakly.

Entacmaea quadricolor is one of the most beautiful and most common sea anemones in reef aquariums. They are often offered as offspring. Bubble anemones always try to anchor their foot deep in caves, crevices or cracks. If they don't like a place they will migrate! They need sufficient space and a medium current.

The same applies here as for all sea anemones: If the foot is not injured and the water values are right, it is very easy to acclimatize.
This anemone can be easily socialized with clownfish. The anemone has zooxanthellae and therefore does not need to be fed if the light is sufficient.

It sometimes reproduces by division, and as some authors have also described, it can even be propagated artificially. If you have bought the anemone, you should introduce it when the current is switched off. This gives it time to attach its foot before the current is switched on again.

A total of ten species of the genus Amphiprion, as well as the velvet anemonefish (Amphiprion biaculeatus) and, when young, the three-spotted damselfish (Dascyllus trimaculatus) accept it as a partner. It is also accepted as a host by the porcelain crabs of the genus Neopetrolisthes and by Red Sea partner shrimps.

The following species accept the copper anemone or bubble anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor, as a partner:
Amphiprion akallopisos, Amphiprion akindynos, Amphiprion allardi, Amphiprion barberi, Amphiprion bicinctus, Amphiprion chrysopterus, Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion ephippium, Amphiprion frenatus, Amphiprion latezonatus, Amphiprion mccullochi, Amphiprion melanopus, Amphiprion ocellaris, Amphiprion omanensis, Amphiprion percula, Amphiprion rubrocinctus, Amphiprion tricinctus and Amphiprion biaculeatus

Strong reproduction
Strong reproduction can occur in large tanks with good water and light values. If the light parameters are changed, migration can occur and at this point the anemone can be loosened and removed from the aquarium without any problems. Covering the anemone with a flower pot (the bottom should have a hole) can encourage it to migrate. If the anemone is very high up in the aquarium, a dark plastic lid can be fixed to the water surface if there is no room for the flower pot.

Copper anemones can look quite different, especially in terms of their "tentacle posture". Often you don't see the typical bubble shape at all, but sometimes you do.

Changing the lighting can cause migration or a gradual reduction in size, as the anemone seeks protection from excessive light. A slow changeover is necessary, e.g. with Red Sea Reef LED 90 of 50 % and a daily increase of 2 - 3 % may be possible.

The small green species are assumed to be a deep-water form. They usually remain smaller, although this also varies considerably with copper anemones.

Gyrostoma adherens (Ehrenberg, 1834)
Gyrostoma erythrosoma (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1851)
Gyrostoma haddoni Lager, 1911
Gyrostoma hertwigi Kwietniewski, 1897
Gyrostoma kwoiam (Haddon & Shackleton, 1893)
Gyrostoma quadricolor
Gyrostoma sulcatum Lager, 1911
Physobrachia douglasi Saville-Kent, 1893
Physobrachia ramsayi Mariscal, 1970
Radianthus carlgreni (Lager, 1911)




Entacmaea quadricolor - Kupferanemone - Blasenanemone (c) Robert Baur
Entacmaea quadricolor
Entacmaea quadricolor - Kupferanemone - Blasenanemone (c) Robert Baur
Entacmaea quadricolor Blasenanemone
© Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens, Holland
Kurz vor der Teilung
Entacmaea quadricolor

Husbandry know-how of owners

am 29.09.21#34
Timelapse und Wanderung einer Kupfer Anemone, wegen ändern der Strömung. Eine 4 Stunden Wanderung, auf 2 Minuten durch Riff, um dann am wieder am Ausgangspunkt anzukommen.
am 29.09.21#33
Timelapse und Wanderung einer Kupfer Anemone, nachdem einsetzen. Eine 2 Stunden Wanderung auf 1 Minute
am 03.06.20#32
Ich habe diese Anemone recht früh in mein Becken gesetzt. Sie hat sich vor 3 Monaten das 1. Mal geteilt, gerade eben bereits das 3. Mal (den ersten "Paarling" habe ich nach der Heilung der Wunde verkauft, nach der 2. Teilung habe ich beide Anemonen behalten, da sie friedlich nebeneinander in ihrem Stein saßen. Jetzt hat sich nur die größere der beiden geteilt). Ich beobachte keinerlei Zusammenhang mit Wasserwerten. Was aber auffällig ist: Wenn die Anemone beginnt unruhig zu werden (sie fängt an zu wandern), steht die Teilung kurz bevor. Heute konnte ich sie das erste Mal live beobachten. Es begann, indem die Anemone ihren Fuß ganz weit ausdehnte und über den Stein "spannte", dann ging der Riss von unten nach ob los. Innerhalb von 1h war die Teilung abgeschlossen. Ich stelle Fotos zum Prozess ein.
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