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Epinephelus lanceolatus Brindle Bass, Brindled Grouper, Giant Grouper, Queensland Groper

Epinephelus lanceolatusis commonly referred to as Brindle Bass, Brindled Grouper, Giant Grouper, Queensland Groper. Difficulty in the aquarium: Not suitable for home aquaria!. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

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Epinephelus lanceolatus

aufgenommen auf Vanuatu

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Epinephelus lanceolatus 
Brindle Bass, Brindled Grouper, Giant Grouper, Queensland Groper 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Chordata (Phylum) > Actinopterygii (Class) > Perciformes (Order) > Serranidae (Family) > Epinephelus (Genus) > lanceolatus (Species) 
Initial determination:
(Bloch, ), 1790 
Eritrea, Djibouti, Hong Kong, (the) Maldives, American Samoa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arabian Sea, Australia, China, Christmas Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Gulf of Oman / Oman, Hawaii, India, Indian Ocean, Indo Pacific, Indonesia, Japan, Johnston Atoll, Kenya, Kiribati, Madagascar, Malaysia, Marquesas Islands, Marschall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Northern Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn Islands, Red Sea, Réunion , Samoa, Singapore, Somalia, South-Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tansania, Thailand, the Seychelles, Tonga, Tuamoto Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wake Atoll, Yemen 
Marine Zone:
Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. neritic. 
Sea depth:
1 - 200 Meter 
74.8" - 106.3" (190cm - 270cm) 
400 kg 
75.74 °F - 84.38 °F (24.3°C - 29.1°C) 
Big fish, Coralfish of all kind, Crabs, Fish (little fishes), Small Sharks, Stringrays (small ones) 
Not suitable for home aquaria! 
Possible to breed 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Not evaluated 
Red List:
Vulnerable (VU) 
Related species at
Catalog of Life:
Last edit:
2023-04-10 11:41:50 

Captive breeding / propagation

The offspring of Epinephelus lanceolatus are possible. Unfortunately, the number of offspring is not large enough to cover the demand of the trade. If you are interested in Epinephelus lanceolatus, please ask your dealer for offspring. If you already own Epinephelus lanceolatus, try breeding yourself. This will help to improve the availability of offspring in the trade and to conserve natural stocks.


(Bloch, 1790)

Epinephelus lanceolatus is the largest bony fish found in coral reefs.
It usually resides in caves or wrecks, but has also been sighted in estuaries.
Juveniles are rarely seen.

It will eat anything that fits in its mouth, such as lobsters and other crustaceans, fish, including small sharks and small rays, but also juvenile turtles.

According to unconfirmed reports, there have also been fatal attacks on humans. Epinephelus lanceolatus is heavily fished in most areas and therefore is no longer encountered very often.

The patterns in the pectoral fins are typical of Epinephelus lanceolatus.
All fins are not black and white, but yellowish with a black pattern.

Batrachus gigas Günther, 1869
Holocentrus lanceolatus Bloch, 1790
Oligorus goliath De Vis, 1882
Oligorus terrae-reginae Ramsay, 1880
Promicrops lanceolatus (Bloch, 1790)
Serranus abdominalis Peters, 1855
Serranus geographicus Valenciennes, 1828
Serranus lanceolatus (Bloch, 1790)
Serranus phaeostigmaeus Fowler, 1907
Stereolepoides thompsoni Fowler, 1923

Classification: Biota > Animalia (Kingdom) > Chordata (Phylum) > Vertebrata (Subphylum) > Gnathostomata (Superclass) > Pisces (Superclass) > Actinopterygii (Class) > Perciformes (Order) > Serranidae (Family) > Epinephelinae (Subfamily) > Epinephelus (Genus) > Epinephelus lanceolatus (Species

Scientific paper

  1. Evaluation of fish meal and fish oil replacement by soybean protein and algal meal from Schizochytrium limacinum in diets for giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus, García-Ortega, Armando; Kissinger, Karma R.; Trushenski, Jesse T. , 2016
  2. The complete mitochondrial genome of the hybrid grouper Epinephelus coioides ♀ ×  Epinephelus lanceolatus♂, Wang, Qing; Chen, Huimin; Xu, Wen; He, Jianan; Xie, Zhenzhen; Tang, Lin; Tang, Zhujing; Li, Yu; Li, Shuisheng; Zhang, Yong; Lin, Haoran , 2015
  3. Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth, feed utilization, body and plasma biochemical compositions of hybrid grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂×Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀) juveniles, Jiang, Shuntian; Wu, Xiaoyi; Li, Weifeng; Wu, Mingjuan; Luo, Yuan; Lu, Senda; Lin, Haoran , 2015
  4. Characteristics of Gelatin from Giant Grouper ( Epinephelus Lanceolatus ) Skin, Lin, Chun Chen; Chiou, Tze Kuei; Sung, Wen Chieh , 2015
  5. Susceptibility of farmed juvenile giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus to a newly isolated grouper iridovirus (genus Ranavirus), Peng, Chao; Ma, Hongling; Su, Youlu; Wen, Weigeng; Feng, Juan; Guo, Zhixun; Qiu, Lihua , 2015
  6. Recombinant production of biologically active giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) growth hormone from inclusion bodies of Escherichia coli by fed-batch culture, Chung, Wen-Jen; Huang, Chi-Lung; Gong, Hong-Yi; Ou, Tsung-Yin; Hsu, Jue-Liang; Hu, Shao-Yang , 2015
  7. Characterization of triploid hybrid groupers from interspecies hybridization ( Epinephelus coioides ♀ × Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂), Huang, Wen; Liu, Qizhi; Xie, Junfeng; Wang, Weimin; Xiao, Jun; Li, Shuisheng; Zhang, Haifa; Zhang, Yong; Liu, Shaojun; Lin, Haoran , 2014
  8. Cryopreservation of giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus (Bloch, 1790) sperm, Fan, B.; Liu, X.-C.; Meng, Z.-N.; Tan, B. H.; Wang, L.; Zhang, H.-F.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.-X.; Lin, H.-R. , 2014
  9. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Epinephelus lanceolatus (Perciformes: Serranidae), Wang, Xiang; Wang, Qing; Xie, Zhenzhen; He, Jianan; Wang, Dengdong; Chen, Huimin; Li, Shuisheng; Zhang, Yong; Lin, Haoran , 2014
  10. Application MALDI TOF on protein identification of vitellogenin in giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), Om, Ahmad Daud; Jasmani, Safiah; Ismail, Nosrihah; Yeong, S. Y.; Abol-Munafi, A. B. , 2013
  11. Molecular markers for detection and diagnosis of the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), Tsai-Hsin Chiu; Yi-Cheng Su; Ju-Ying Pai; Hung-Chia Chang, 2012
  12. Successful hybridization of groupers (Epinephelus coioides x Epinephelus lanceolatus) using cryopreserved sperm, Anocha Kiriyakit; Wenresti G. Gallardo; Amrit N. Bart, 2011
  13. Growth hormone and two forms of insulin-like growth factors I in the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus): molecular cloning and characterization of tissue distribution, Haiyan Dong; Lingxian Zeng; Da Duan; Haifa Zhang; Yunxin Wang; Wensheng Li; Haoran Lin, 2010
  14. Growth hormone and two forms of insulin-like growth factors I in giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus): Molecular cloning and characterization of tissue distribution, Haiyan Dong; Lingxian Zeng; Da Duan; Deping Zhang; Wensheng Li; Haoran Lin, 2008




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