How to Wash Grapes So They Stay Fresh

Learn how to clean, store, and keep the fruit crisp with these tips.

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Grapes may be a convenient, ready-to-eat, nutritious snack and a sweet addition to charcuterie boards, but they should be washed before you enjoy them. It is important to check and clean all produce to ensure that it is free of dirt, insects, bacteria, pesticide residue (unless you buy organic), and mold. Learn how to wash grapes properly before you eat them and why washing them is so crucial.

How to wash grapes

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Why You Need to Wash Grapes

Unwashed produce may not look dirty, but viruses and bacteria—including salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria—could be on the surface, according to the CDC. Those germs could cause a nasty foodborne illness if you eat them.

Grapes belong to the Dirty Dozen—an annual list of produce with the highest levels of pesticides compiled by the Environmental Working Group. The EWG recommends splurging on organic grapes, but not everyone can afford to buy organic produce, which can get quite expensive. If you opt for regular, non-organic grapes, take extra care when you're cleaning them to remove as much pesticide residue as possible.

When to Wash Grapes

While it seems practical to wash all of your grapes as soon as you get home from the store, you should actually only clean what you plan to eat right then and there or in the near future. The washing process adds excess moisture, which can cause the grapes to decompose faster than they otherwise would.

For ultimate longevity, keep unwashed grapes in a plastic bag in the refrigerator until you're ready to clean and consume them for a sweet-sour treat. Before storing them, check the fruit to see if there are any moldy or rotten grapes, and discard them.

Can You Eat the Bloom?

Curious about the whitish film you often see on grapes? It's not from pesticides; it's called "bloom," a waxy coating produced by the plant itself to protect the fruit.

While the bloom is safe to eat, it can taste bitter and chalky, so you can thoroughly wash your grapes to remove it. The bloom helps keep grapes fresh, so it's best to avoid washing it off until you're ready to snack on the fruit.

How to Wash Grapes

Washing grapes isn't complicated, but there are certain steps you should follow to ensure your grapes are as clean as possible.

What You Need

  • Medium to large size colander
  • Baking soda or salt (optional)
  • Clean dish towel or paper towel
  • Medium size bowl

Step 1: Rinse the Grapes

With clean hands, empty the grapes from their container into an appropriately sized colander. Turn on your faucet, letting cool water stream over the grapes. Using your hands, move the grapes around so that every side gets cleaned.

Step 2: Soak the Grapes

You can soak your grapes in water for about 5 to 10 minutes or longer. After the grapes have soaked, swirl them around in a bowl and then begin to gently rub and rinse them. The longer you leave them in water, the better chance they have of being clean. Unless you are marinating them, grapes should not be soaked overnight and should only be washed right before they are eaten.

Step 3: Remove the Bloom (Optional)

If you've decided to remove the bloom, sprinkle a little baking soda and/or salt over the grapes in the colander and gently scrub them with your hands. This light exfoliation will remove the bloom and make the grapes sparkle. (Note: Do not use detergent or soap for this step, as it's not safe for consumption).

Step 4: Rinse Again and Dry

Rinse off the baking soda and/or salt thoroughly with cool water. After thoroughly rinsing, dry the grapes in the colander with a clean dish towel or paper towel.

If you have hard water or want to ensure your fruit is being washed well, opt for a produce wash to remove wax and residue. Just make sure it is USDA- or FDA-certified before use.

How to Store Grapes After Washing

While you should avoid washing grapes until you're ready to eat them, we have a few tips for storage if you've gone ahead and washed them anyway.

  • Let them dry. After you have washed the grapes, pat them dry and then let them air dry as much as possible. Excess moisture can lead to faster spoiling.
  • Store in a ventilated bag. Once dry, store the grapes in a ventilated bag in a cold spot of the refrigerator. The airflow and chill will help preserve the fruit for about three weeks.
  • Leave the stem on. Keeping the grapes on the stem post-wash will help keep them fresher longer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does washing grapes remove all known pesticides?

    While washing grapes and produce in general does help to remove dirt and pesticides, it does not guarantee the removal of all pesticides. The best way to ensure the most removal of pesticides is to skin or peel fruit down to the flesh. In extreme cases, a large consumption of pesticides can result in several health issues including but limited to reproductive harm, carcinogenicity, and neurological toxicity.

  • Can you wash grapes with vinegar?

    Yes, vinegar and water can be used as another method to wash produce. Simply add 2 tablespoons of distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar to the water bowl with your grapes. Swish the grapes around in the vinegar solution and then allow them to soak for 10 minutes. Drain the solution and rinse the grapes with cool water before allowing them to dry.

  • Can you freeze grapes?

    Frozen grapes make a delicious (and healthy) frozen treat in the summer. But don't freeze grapes expecting to thaw them later for a snack. They'll get mushy during the freeze-thaw cycle, so they're best eaten straight out of the freezer or blended into healthy smoothies or other recipes.

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  1. CDC, Fruit and Vegetables Safety. Accessed March 22, 2023.

  2. Yang SJ, Mun S, Kim HJ, et al. Effectiveness of different washing strategies on pesticide residue removal: the first comparative study on leafy vegetablesFoods. 2022;11(18):2916.

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