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Botanical Name: Aglaonema spp. (Various species within the Aglaonema genus)

Description: Aglaonema plants display striking foliage with varying shades of green, silver, red, or pink, often featuring unique patterns and variegation. Their leaves are broad, glossy, and usually oval or lance-shaped, adding an elegant and vibrant touch to indoor spaces.

Indoor/Outdoor: Primarily grown indoors, Chinese Evergreens are well-suited for indoor environments and thrive in indirect light. They're not cold-tolerant and are typically grown as houseplants or in protected areas in warm climates.

Pet Friendly: Aglaonemas are generally considered mildly toxic if ingested, causing mild irritation or discomfort if consumed by pets. It's advisable to keep them away from curious pets.

Usage: Chinese Evergreens are highly favored as decorative indoor plants, adding color and texture to homes, offices, and other indoor spaces. They're excellent for tabletop displays, desks, or as floor plants, adding a touch of tropical beauty.

How to Take Care: Provide bright, indirect light to maintain their vibrant foliage, as they can tolerate lower light conditions. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Aglaonemas appreciate higher humidity levels, but they adapt well to average room conditions.

Best Season: Chinese Evergreens generally don't have strict seasonal care requirements. They maintain consistent growth throughout the year with regular care, making them suitable for year-round indoor cultivation. Maintaining stable conditions and avoiding extreme temperature fluctuations contribute to their overall health.



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