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a blue and yellow fish sitting on top of a coral
BlueBox 4/23/11b
a yellow fish with white dots on it's body is swimming in an aquarium
six different types of fish are shown in this illustration, including blue and yellow ones
ハコフグの仲間 genus Ostracion
a blue and yellow fish with spots on it's body
Photo of ostracion meleagris camurum, Spotted Box Fish (male) - Hawaii
a fish that is sitting on some rocks
a close up of a yellow fish in an aquarium
Pet Solutions
Tips for Feeding Your Saltwater Fish - Live Fish Pet Care Corner - PetSolutions
a black and white fish with spots on it's body
Smooth Trunkfish, juvenile [SDC 2008, 08-263]
a close up of a fish near an orange object
animals, animals, animals
a close up of a yellow and black fish
Nitrite and the Reef Aquarium by Randy Holmes-Farley
kisses - wonder what the real name of this creature is - does anyone know??
a blue and yellow fish sitting on top of a coral
BlueBox 4/23/11b
a yellow and black spotted fish swimming in the water near some corals with small black dots on it's surface
Stayin’ Afloat
an orange and white fish swimming in the water
Les ostracions: poisson-coffre et poisson-vache
a blue and yellow fish with spots on it's head
a small fish with white and brown spots on it's body
Bill Stohler