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Playboy Playmate Karissa Shannon: Spencer Pratt stole my sex tape with Heidi Montag

Heidi Montag (l.) became fast friends with Karissa Shannon since her split from Spencer Pratt.
Becker; Merritt/Getty
Heidi Montag (l.) became fast friends with Karissa Shannon since her split from Spencer Pratt.

Despite Heidi Montag‘s frequent denials about the existence of a sex tape, her alleged bedroom partner, Playboy Playmate Karissa Shannon, admits that it does in fact exist.

“There is a sex tape of me and Heidi. It’s just me and Heidi, that’s it,” Shannon told, adding that Montag’s soon-to-be ex-husband, Spencer Pratt, was not present for the secret filming.

Last week, Pratt, 26, reportedly discovered the X-rated video of his ex getting hot and heavy with Shannon while he was packing up his stuff at the Malibu house he once shared with Montag.

However, not only does Pratt not have legal ownership of the tape, Shannon said he also stole her video camera that contained the explicit footage.

“He came over to pick up some stuff and he ‘accidentally’ took my camera,” Shannon told Radar. “Spencer had no right to steal my camera. There are other things on there that I don’t want to come out, including the video of me and Heidi.”

Shannon said she has no intention to sell the tape because she doesn’t “want people to see it.”

But after finding the girl-on-girl tape, Pratt realized that he could make money selling his “library” of videos to porn company Vivid Entertainment, according to Among the other tapes Pratt is purportedly selling, one features a pre-surgery Montag, while the other shows her after she underwent her infamous 10 plastic surgery procedures last year.

Montag, 23, continues to deny ever making the videos, but reportedly wants to have a meeting with the president of the porn company.

According to TMZ, the busty blond sent an e-mail to Vivid big wig Steve Hirsch saying, “I don’t think Spencer has any footage of the two of us. I think hes (sic) making it up for publicity for a new reality show he wants me to do but I really can’t tell. He can be sneaky.”

Montag, who is in Costa Rica in search of a new plastic surgeon who will reduce her obnoxiously large breast implants, allegedly continues to Hirsch, “I wanted to drop you a line and let you know where Im (sic) at with all of this. If you decide to come to Costa Rica I look forward to hearing your thoughts.”

However, Montag may not be as innocent as she seems, according to

“This is all a PR stunt. They will never really sell unless they get desperate,” a source told the mag. “They are not really breaking up. It’s disgusting and vile, but Spencer will do anything to keep his fame, even tempting companies with [the sex tapes]. Whatever they do, though, will be together. He is doing nothing behind her back.”

Montag separated from Pratt in June and filed for divorce one month later.