Healthy Boundaries


Do you offer nude photoshoots?

I’m completely comfortable with female nudity requests. I don’t operate from a place of asking or expecting this to unfold for women, but if the desire is there for someone then I treat this with the upmost integrity and professionalism. Photos will be taken and edited in complete privacy, stored on a secure platform and strictly password and pin number protected when sharing the online gallery. At no point will these images be shared by myself or Mystic Muse unless of course the client is happy for them to be used for promotional purposes and sees them as a transmission for this divine feminine work to be received by other humans.

I also want to speak to the fact that this is strictly done in a sacred way for sacred and empowering purposes. Some of the women I have worked with are working in this realm to help shift the old outdated taboo nature of womens’ sexuality so that humanity can see the sacredness in a womens body. This is what I endorse and support, not pornography and the sexual objectification of the feminine body. 


Full permission expression

These are full permission spaces in the sense that dark and light expressions of self are welcome. My boundary with this is that if the nature of your expression is potentially going to be very cathartic and involve a lot of loud sound, I prefer that we choose an appropriate, more private location, rather than a busy beach or public space with a lot of people around. The same goes with nudity.


Deep emotional content

There can be an up-levelling in your souls development and your sacred work from these experiential journeys. With this, I understand that deeper emotional content can be stirred both consciously and sub-consciously. For example, I say that as some women may consciously want to embody their fierce wild women and for some she might come out more unexpectedly with a lot of charge and unresolved trauma sitting with her. Please remember I’m a creative and not a therapist or temple-space holder - but I do have a huge ability to empathise with all the feelings dark and light.

I also want to speak to the fact that these experiences can have the potential to involve meeting unloved parts of yourself, or subconscious thoughts can arise that have potentially been blocking your growth. Please know that this is very natural - it is energy in motion wishing to be alchemised by you.

While I hold a deep reverence for the emotional aspect of a sacred photoshoot, I am not qualified to offer therapy for what might come up for you, particularly if you have a really deep experience.

I advise / suggest / recommend that if you are working with deep emotional content, you make sure you have access to a psychotherapist, coach or support person who can journey with you post-shoot should things arise for you from this experience that you feel you need additional support with.


Roles & responsibilities

My role

My role is the artist and space-holder. I’m an empathic creative offering a creative experience which happens to have the potential to be very transformational. I’m priestessing and holding the space, before, during and after the journey. I’m bringing awareness to logistics, lighting, framing the shots, feeling into what you need, your embodiment, where you might be stuck, timing, outfit changes and when to make them, all while creating a safe container for you to open up and be seen in your full expression and creating beautiful imagery.

Your role

Your role is to ensure you are supported with what you need. This means exercising your sovereign rights and I lovingly request that you bring awareness into not falling into victim/projections over a situation not turning out how you imagined. You are responsible for communicating what you need, ensuring that is understood, the energy you bring on the day and how this will weave into your photoshoot.

To support you with your journey

Leading up to the photoshoot I kindly ask that you take responsibility for the following:

  • Have your own music prepared that you deeply resonate with and that you feel activates you in a way that you long to be seen in. I suggest creating your own Spotify playlist which we can play through my speaker on the day.

  • Ensure your hair and makeup (if you choose to do this) is done in a way that feels natural and comfortable to you so you’re not worrying about it on the day.

  • Sit with your emotions that may arise, journal these. There will be an opportunity in our closing ritual for you to connect with insights and guidance you may have received during the shoot and if you wish to share these with me to feel seen and heard, I am here to hold space for that on the day and also once I deliver you the final photos if you wish to share your reflections I would love to receive these.

  • Know what you need to feel comfortable. Exercise your sovereignty here and practice asking for what you need.

  • Be very clear on how you need to use the photos and communicate this to me at the consultation so I can ensure we get shots that will work with your branding/colours or any other specific uses you may have in mind. I need to know this before the photoshoot not on the day.

  • You are responsible for activating your own embodiment and how you feel on the day. There is a big piece around sovereignty that I encourage you to work with. Get plenty of rest leading up to the photoshoot, dance, breathe, sound, release. Do you what you can to ground yourself and drop into your body. Create space to feel your emotions, your feminine energy and energetic current. Cultivate a loving relationship with your inner masculine to hold your feminine so she can open.

  • For women, I advise that you select a time of the month that will be conducive to your moon cycle. i.e If you’re in your Kali/Autumn phase and desire a photoshoot in your soft, light maiden, please be aware these energies quite possibly won’t be aligned on the day. The energy may be more wild women! This is a wonderful invitation to tune into your cycle.

Experiencing resistance

  • If you notice an overwhelming amount of resistance leading up to your photoshoot I encourage you to listen to that and to not book the photoshoot before you’re ready. Trust in your divine knowing with the timing around it.

  • If the meaning you have placed on the photoshoot is tied into an external event / rite of passage / new business launch in your life, please be aware that your soul may not be ready for the photoshoot until certain things in your life have fallen into place and that is okay. Don’t rush or force yourself to have this until you feel a full body yes! I feel it’s important your mind, body, soul are all on-board. Listen to your innate wisdom and knowing.