If you follow Britney Spears on Instagram, then you know the longtime pop star is nothing short of a regular fit-spiration. Whether she's getting a killer triceps workout or just showing us that she's never been fitter, the platinum-selling artist is always motivating us to get a little bit stronger than yesterday. And her latest Instagram is no exception, as it shows the mother of two standing tall—or, rather, handstanding tall—during a recent workout.

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As Spears surely knows, handstands are a great bodyweight workout that will focus on your shoulders, arms, and upper back—and the additional leg involvement in her particular move no doubt provides a nice stretch to boot. Handstands can seem like an intimidating move, but if you're eager to reap their benefits, let the 2015 CrossFit games champion Ben Smith teach you how to not only pull off a handstand, but a handstand pushup.

Ben Smith Teaches the Handstand Pushup:

preview for Ben Smith Teaches the Handstand Pushup

Or, if you can't quite achieve the balance necessary for a full handstand, try this four-move, fat-melting core and cardio workout that implements a modified, handstand alternating straddle tap instead. There are all sorts of variations to the classic handstand, including this total-body kick-up drill, or these box side touches to work your core and shoulders.

(Then, take your abs to the next level with Men's Health's Anarchy Abs program, a rapid fat-burning workout that will help you achieve legendary abs fast.)

Now that you know what to do, all that's left for you is to get to work—after you load up your gym playlist with your favorite Britney hits, that is.