Seven Principles of Public Relations - The Page Principles

Seven Principles of Public Relations - The Page Principles

We all know that good PR is about more than writing press releases – it’s about providing value for your audience, building strong relationships, engaging your audience and telling the story of a brand.

Arthur W. Page practiced seven principles of public relations management as a means of implementing his philosophy.

1. Tell the truth

Let the public know what is happening and provide an accurate picture of the company’s character, ideals and practices.

2. Prove it with action

Public perception of an organization is determined 90 percent by what it does and 10 percent by what it says.

3. Listen to the customer

To serve the company well, understand what the public wants and needs. Keep top decision-makers and other employees informed about public reaction to company products, policies and practices.

4. Manage for tomorrow.

Anticipate public reaction and eliminate practices that create difficulties. Generate goodwill.

5. Conduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it.

Corporate relations is a management function. No corporate strategy should be implemented without considering its impact on the public. The public relations professional is a policymaker capable of handling a wide range of corporate communications activities.

6. Realize that a company’s true character is expressed by its people.

The strongest opinions good or bad about a company are shaped by the words and deeds of its employees. As a result, every employee active or retired is involved with public relations. It is the responsibility of corporate communications to support each employee’s capability and desire to be an honest, knowledgeable ambassador to customers, friends, shareowners and public officials.

7. Remain calm, patient and good-humored.

Lay the groundwork for public relations miracles with consistent and reasoned attention to information and contacts. This may be difficult with today’s contentious 24-hour news cycles and the endless number of watchdog organizations. But when a crisis arises, remember, cool heads communicate best. 

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Thanks sir you are great , I really need to know about PR Principles today because of my upcoming examinations 

Ankuj Rana

PR Excutive at PR 24×7


Back Bone

dawar shah

Head Academics at Professional and Technical Education Centre GB


Thanks sir great

Pramathesh Borkotoky

e-Commerce Professional, Storyteller, Online Marketeer, Director of IT Operations at Kraftinn


A PR's job is one of the most underrated job.

Jc Vivek Raja.R ' 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝑹 '

Ambitious Public Relation Professional | Serving as a Zone Vice President @ Zone-XVI, JCI INDIA | Sparkle PR is Good in Brand Building, Press Meet & Event Management across PAN India


Informative thanks for sharing 💐🤝

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