The Benefits of Reading for Pleasure
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The Benefits of Reading for Pleasure

I’m a lifelong learner and have been an avid (even voracious) reader from about the age of 5 when my mom taught my twin sister and me to read with flash cards. Of course early on, we were read to by family members, babysitters and children’s library storytellers. But very soon we started wanting to choose and read our own books – and came home from the library on weekends with a stack of select stories that we chose to occupy our respective imaginations. That progressed to when Scholastic encouraged parents to let us pick out books to purchase through school. I always went nuts with those programs.

My mom was a college English professor, so we had bookcases lined with interesting books all over the house, and my mom encouraged our passion for reading (in particular mine). Summers were often spent devouring as many books as we could plow through between June and September. By the time we were in third grade, we were testing out reading at college level. Of course there was a lot of required reading all the way through college, some of which was fun and stimulating. Else my choices!

To this day I start my days with reading as an anchor (virtually every day) – and I typically get through about two books a week. I lean towards non-fiction because I have such a strong appetite for learning about a broad range of topics I’m passionate about including: history, culture, self-improvement, poetry, biographies, nutrition, health and wellness, spirituality and metaphysics, travel, business and finance, creativity, the music and entertainment businesses, and of course innovation and technology as well.

I get grief from my close friends at times that I don’t read more fiction as an escape from daily life, and given I’m such a ‘thinker’. On occasion, I do read fiction, but I lean non-fiction as there’s just so much to learn – and as you’ve no doubt observed I’m a sponge who just can’t absorb information fast enough.

Reading for pleasure is important for several reasons, and it offers numerous benefits that contribute to personal growth, cognitive development, and our overall well-being.

Here are some key reasons why reading for pleasure is significant:

1.   Expanding knowledge and learning: Reading opens up a world of information and ideas. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, reading exposes you to different perspectives, cultures, histories, and experiences. It broadens your understanding of the world and enhances your knowledge across a wide range of topics.

2.   Improving language skills: Reading regularly improves your vocabulary, grammar, and language comprehension. As you encounter new words and sentence structures, you'll internalize them and become better at communicating, expressing yourself verbally and using them in your writing.

3.   Enhancing empathy and understanding: When you immerse yourself in a story or narrative, especially from diverse backgrounds and characters, you develop empathy and a richer, deeper understanding of people with different viewpoints and life experiences. This can lead to increased tolerance and compassion for others in real life – and can contribute to you being a global citizen.

4.   Reducing stress and promoting relaxation: Reading can be a great way to unwind and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Engaging in a captivating book or a compelling story can help lower stress levels and provide a sense of calm and relaxation.

5.   Boosting creativity and imagination: Reading fiction, in particular, stimulates your imagination. As you visualize the worlds and immerse yourself in characters described in books, your creativity is sparked, and you might find yourself coming up with new ideas and solutions in your own life.

6.   Enhancing critical thinking and analytical skills: Reading complex or thought-provoking material challenges your brain to think critically and analytically. You learn to evaluate information, identify themes, and draw connections, which are valuable skills in various aspects of life.

7.   Improving focus and concentration: In a world filled with distractions, reading demands your full attention. Regular reading can help improve your focus and concentration abilities, which can be beneficial in many areas, including work and study.

8.   Improving mental health: Studies have shown that reading for pleasure can have positive effects on mental health. It can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress while improving overall well-being.

9.   Fostering a lifelong habit of learning: When reading becomes a pleasurable habit, it often carries into adulthood and beyond (as mine certainly has). Lifelong learners tend to be more curious, adaptable, and open to new experiences, which can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

10.Forming connections and building community: Reading can be a social activity as well. Sharing book recommendations, joining book clubs, or discussing literature with others can help form connections, build friendships, and create a sense of community.

Reading for pleasure is not just a leisure activity; it’s a powerful tool for personal development, intellectual stimulation and enrichment, and emotional well-being. It enables you to be more conversant with others. It opens doors to new worlds, expands horizons, and enriches lives in many ways. I’d be curious to hear how reading has informed your life and your experiences overall.

Angela Santi

Unlock Sustainable Leadership: Follow the Dolce V.I.T.A. Mastery Model | Elevate your Performance by Harmonizing Work and Personal Life


I've devoured books since I was a kid and I resonate with what you say. Plus, I'd like to add a word about the pleasure and benefits of reading paper books (vs. e-books). Having books on paper in your hands stimulates the brain through tactile engagement, enhancing comprehension, memory retention, and overall cognitive processing.

Karen Ann Bulluck

Inspiring executive women leaders to nurture a powerful and profound identity that accelerates their success and fulfillment ⚛️ Coach/Advisor ⚛️ Speaker ⚛️ Author of Discovering Power and Pursuing Truth


I couldn't agree more, Kelli Richards! I always read for pleasure, and it does ALL the things you mentioned. When I get away from it, even for a short time, it shows. Thanks for this thoughtful article.

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