Neoglyphidodon oxyodon

Neoglyphidodon oxyodon

''Neoglyphidodon oxyodon'' is a species of damselfish in the family Pomacentridae. It is found in the Pacific Ocean. They are found in the aquarium hobby.
Javanese Damsel Juvenile The juvenile is only 3-5 cm long and has a thin black body with neon-blue lines on head, middle of dorsal fin and upper tail base. It also has a yellow to white bar crossing the mid body. The adult is quite different. it reaches 14 cm and is mostly gray with black scale outlines and blackish fins. Seen while snorqueling in the shoreline of Lankayan Island, Sabah (Borneo).      Fall,Geotagged,Malaysia,Neoglyphidodon oxyodon


The adults can grow up to a maximum size of 15 centimetres . Juveniles and adults have different coloration. Adults of this species are grayish black. Juveniles are dark blue with a light yellow stripe or spot and blue streaks that fade with age.


The common names that are mostly used for this species are bluestreak damselfish, blue-streak damselfish, bluevelvet damselfish, Javanese damselfish, Java damselfish, and bluebanded damselfish.


This species of fish is found in coral reefs in the western Pacific Ocean. It ranges from Indonesia to the Philippines to the Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea. The depth range for this species ranges from 0 to 4 metres . They are normally found around ''Acropora'' heads for shelter. Lagoons and reef flats are the parts of the reef that this species of fish is found in.


Like most species of damselfish, this species is territorial. At daytime, they are active. When the diurnal hours are over, they take shelter in corals to avoid getting eaten by predators.


This species of fish is found in coral reefs in the western Pacific Ocean. It ranges from Indonesia to the Philippines to the Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea. The depth range for this species ranges from 0 to 4 metres . They are normally found around ''Acropora'' heads for shelter. Lagoons and reef flats are the parts of the reef that this species of fish is found in.


Males establish a territory on a rock or coral surface and start clean it. Then, the male will court a female to the territory. Females then lay their eggs and the males fertilize them. After that, the male will constantly guard the eggs until they hatch. The eggs also get aerated and tended for by the male. Eggs that failed to hatch are removed out of the spawning site. The reproduction process usually lasts for about 20 minutes. Females can lay up to 20,000 eggs each. On average, eggs take about 3 days to a week to hatch. Males sometimes spawn with more than 1 female.


''Neoglyphidodon oxyodon'' is an omnivorous species of damselfish. They feed on zooplankton and filamentous algae.


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SpeciesN. oxyodon
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