About Butterflyfishes

Class: Actinopterygii (Greek aktis = ray, thunderbolt, beam + Greek pterygion, diminutive of pteryx = wing, fin.)

Order: Perciformes (Greek, perke = perch + Latin, forma = shape)

Family:Chaetodontidae (Greek, chaite = hair + Greek, odous, odontos = tooth, teeth)
Genera: Amphichaetodon, Chaetodon, Chaetodontops, Chelmon, Chelmonops, Coradion, Forcipiger, Hemitaurichthys, Heniochus, Johnrandallia, Parachaetodon, Peterscottia, Prognathodes, Roa

These are some of the most loved fishes in the hobby and, for the most part, rightfully so. While the majority of butterflyfishes should be left in the wild, a few do make excellent aquarium specimens based on their striking appearance and adaptability to captive environments. These select species ship well, are generally hardy and will remain a staple in the hobby for years to come.

chaetodon unimaculatus

chaetodon argentatus chaetodon auriga chaetodon burgessi chaetodon collare chaetodon declivis chaetodon ephippium chaetodon falcula chaetodon fasciatus chaetodon fremblii chaetodon guttatissimus chaetodon humeralis chaetodon kleinii chaetodon lineolatus chaetodon lunula chaetodon melannotus chaetodon mertensii chaetodon mesoleucos chaetodon miliaris chaetodon mitratus chaetodon nippon chaetodon paucifasciatus chaetodon pelewensis chaetodon punctatofasciatus chaetodon rafflesii chaetodon rainfordi chaetodon semilarvatus chaetodon tinkeri chaetodon trichrous chaetodon ulietensis chaetodon unimaculatus chaetodon vagabundus chaetodon wiebeli chaetodon xanthurus

Teardrop Butterflyfish

Reef Compatible

Care Level


Min. Tank Size
75 gallons

Mature Size
8 inches 


Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti, Indo-Pacific