Biota is pursuing expanded production of the Pink Square Anthias, Pseudanthias pleurotaenia.

Biota is pursuing expanded production of the Pink Square Anthias, Pseudanthias pleurotaenia.

The news that Biota had bred the Pink Square Anthias may have gone unnoticed when we included the species as a new addition to our annual checklist of captive-bred marine aquarium fishes in 2019. At the time, it was simply noted that it had been accomplished, nothing more.

Recently, Biota shared an update with its customers on the status of the project. Jake Philips shared, “We only got a few of these beautiful fish through settlement, so we’re keeping the remainder as broodstock for the F2 generation!”

Given Biota’s track record producing pelagic-spawning fishes, and because they were the first to come to market with a captive-bred anthias at commercial scale (the Blotched or Borbonius Anthias, Odontanthias borbonius), we share this news with some optimism that commercial quantities of captive-bred Pink Square Anthias might become available in the near future.

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