Javanese Gamelan Music - Beginner Workshops & Concert



CitySpace (43 Main Street, Easthampton, MA MA)

Gamelan is a vibrant musical tradition of Indonesian gong-chime orchestras from the islands of Java and Bali. Come join a free beginner workshop and learn to play on a beautiful bronze gamelan set. Workshops are offered at 10am, 11:30am, 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm. No musical experience required, gamelan or otherwise. Adults and kids are both welcome. Workshops are one hour and involve sitting on the ground (on a mat) with shoes removed. Accommodations can be made for people with disabilities. Click here to sign up here for a workshop.

Join us that later that evening for a Gamelan Concert at 7pm, featuring I.M. Harjito, one of the world's leading Javanese musicians. He is joined by experienced performers from around the Northeast. Feel free to come late or leave early, the atmosphere will be very casual. Suggested donation $20. These events are sponsored by the Easthampton Cultural Council and Massachusetts Cultural Council, thanks for their support.